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Everything posted by etrangais

  1. When my wife did her medical, they sent it to the consulate the same day. If the medical is the only thing missing after the interview, the consulate processes applications pretty quick, should get the passport back with the visa in couple of weeks. But, if the delay is for other documents, the process could take longer But again, every case is different, it is not a one size fits all Good luck to all
  2. Very good and congratulations. Very happy for you. Hopefully, all will go well Please say a prayer for us. We have been waiting for a year now after the interview and still nothing
  3. They will not talk to your family member, because they are not the involved party. Try to go yourself to take care of your business. No matter what the difficulties are, it is worth doing. Go see the doctors and "beg" them if you have to. Try your best to get the medical done before the interview The stress of waiting for the consulate the pick up the file after they put it to the side for something missing (like medical or any other documents) is painful. More painful than waiting for them to schedule the interview. I am speaking from experience here
  4. Don't rely on email, and try to call them around 1pm local time. At that time, they are done with candidates and only wait for lab results and X-rays. If you are from Casa, you can ask them to call you if they have a cancelation Try to get the medical done before the interview, so that the application is completed the day of the interview. Casablanca Consulate tend to delay application not closed on the same day (delays vary depending on the case)
  5. OP, don't be tempted to just hide the facts, even if your wife used fake credentials (fake name, and random SSN) to conceal her real identity. Don't take the chance of underestimating the capabilities of USCIS and Homeland Security, because it may lead to serious repercussions.
  6. This is really painful, I check ceac website like 100 times each day hoping for an update
  7. Anything yet? any updates? The waiting is killing me, they touched our file last week twice (Monday and Friday), and yet no updates at all
  8. it is very normal. Don't panic The hard part is over. Your visa is issued and it is only matter of days now before you have your passport back. Focus on spending time with the family during these last days of Ramadan and prepare for the move to the USA. Congratulations again
  9. Congratulations it might take up to a week for Aramex to receive the passport. You can track your passport here: https://www.ustraveldocs.com/ma/ma-main-contactus.asp#ChecktheStatusofYourPassport
  10. we are still waiting for them to call my wife for the updated medical. If they call for the medical, it will mean the visa is approved and is just pending medical
  11. Before I say this, keep in mind that not all cases are the same, and processing time is different from case to case: They gave my wife the same form in May 17, 2022 for additional documentation, we gave them the requested documentation in 26-May-2022, and the case is still pending since then. They updated the case several times (date changes), but the status never changed from Ready. They called my wife for a second interview in February 2023. After the interview, they told her all was good, but we haven't heard a thing yet from them. The last time the case was updated was 10-April-2023, and the case still shows Ready. Again, not all cases are the same. I think a joint sponsor case should be a lot less complex than a lot of cases, and you should hear from them soon Good luck
  12. Hello there, and welcome to Casablanca Consulate blackhole The date updates simply mean that someone at the consulate "touched" the file. There is no visibility as to what the update is. So hold tight. If the only thing they asked for is the joint sponsor and you provided the right documents, then you should be ok, just be patient. The thing with Casablanca is when a case is not approved on the day of the interview, they seem to put it to the side, and no one knows when they will work on it again. Let's hope your case will not delay and you'll hear from them soon. Did they give you a form 221(g) for the joint sponsor? if so, what color was the form?
  13. It is the CO’s decision during the interview. If I was you, I would be ready with a joint sponsor to prevent any delays after the interview
  14. He can't leave the international area as he needs a visa to enter France He will have to stay in the transit area all that time
  15. I agree with @TBoneTX that each and every case is different and that what happens in one consulate does not translate to other consulates. I have been tracking cases at the Casablanca Consulate that went from Ready to Refused for almost a year, and then Expired for almost a week or two before it changed to Refused, and than it changed completed to a NonImmigrant Visa Application with Application Received status Things can be crazy
  16. They only answer the first email with a bogus reply stating the case is under AP, and then the following emails go to their junk folder. all we can do is wait, hoping for an approval every week. We started to hate weekends and holidays because we know they don’t work. Monday is my favorite day of the week now
  17. They have everything they need. They called my wife for a second interview in February 2023 and asked for pictures from my last visit (December 2022). They asked the same blanket questions and took the pictures. They told her all is good and they will call her for the next steps. And they went silent again
  18. Several people go through the same treatment in Africa and MENA countries. Only can hope for the best. they don’t answer emails (they feel they don’t have to). And there is no phone number to contact them directly
  19. yes they still have her passport, and the case status never changed from Ready since the case was transferred from NVC to the consulate on April 15 2022
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