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Posts posted by ladyt84

  1. Hi

    My husband has his first AOS interview today. We took lots of documentation ect with us. I don't really know how it went, the lady said she would try to make a decision today, but had up to 4 months to let us know. Now my husband came into the country on a student visa, then got a work visa after graduating college, and that is what he is currently in the country under.

    So the "weird" part, is that she asked me where my 325 form was... this is the biometrics form. Has anyone heard of the sponsor having to fill out a 325?? My husband had filled his out and submitted it originally. I talked with 2 of my friends, one was a sponsor for her husband, the other being sponsored by her husband, and in both cases the sponsor didn't fill out the 325.

    Any thoughts on why I had to fill out a 325??


  2. I am in the process of organizing the documentation for my husbands AOS interview next week. We are doing this ourselves, no lawyer.

    My friend just went through this and got her green card, and her lawyer told her to get a notarized letter from a friend stating that we are living together and this is a valid marriage. Does anyone have any thoughts on this?

    We have joint:




    -electric bill

    -renters insurance

    -I am authorized on the ins. for his car, but we have speerate policies for each of our cars.

    -Gym Membership

    -Costco membership

    -health insurance

    -both listed as beneficiaries or retirement accounts

    - We have only been married since the end of July, so we have some pictures, but I lost my camera when we moved in September, so I lost pictures of a few outings.

    We do not have:

    -joint titles on our cars

    -joint cell phones, we have pre paid accounts

    Any suggestions of additional documentation we should be taking with us??

    Thank you!

  3. I am not sure about a lot of this stuff... but normally when you get married, you take your originial marriage certificate to your local SS office, and they will change it to your husbands name. Once that name change is processed (and they give you a receipt) they send you a new SS card in a few days. I think about 24 hours after you make the change at SS you can start changing your name at Motor Vehicles and at the bank ect. I would imagine producing the original marriage certificate and new SS card would allow for name changes with all other agencies and departments. Marriage certificates have the parties original names on it. Not all women change their name when they get married for various reasons, which is why the name change isn't written on the certificate.

    Good luck!

  4. Hi-

    Next week we have our first interview for the AOS petition for my husband. Any insight as far as what to expect? What kind of questions do they ask ect?

    My husband has been here for 6 years on a mixture of student and work visa's and we were married over the summer. I am in the process of collecting joint bank statements, lease agreements, insurance papers ect to provide to them. Are there any *big* items they are looking for specifically?

    I am only worried if they question us about family.... he no longer has any family members here, and only one of siblings speaks a small bit of English. So I don't really talk to his family at all, outside of saying hello. Do you think this will be a big problem?


  5. Well I will be taking this information and passing it along. Like I said, I am not involved in the intimate details of their situation, and I don't know what their lawyer has in the works. I would imagine some type of asylum because of the war or switching to a work visa as the father is a professional and could be gainfully employed here.

  6. I don't know on what basis. Like I said, I don't much about any of this, and they asked for help filling out some papers for health insurance. I know they are working with a lawyer, and that is all I know.

    But I do know they aren't in public elementary school.

    But thank you everyone for your insight.

  7. Hi-

    I am writing on behalf of a friend, and my visa experience has only been through getting my husbands work visa switched over to a green card, so I am not really famillar with B2 visa's.

    My friends son and his 2 children came from Syria on a B2 visa. They can stay for 6 months, then must return, but over all the visa is for 3 years. The boys are enrolled in public school, and the school sent home paperwork to get them health insurance, however, this says they all (the son and the 2 grandkids) needs Social Security numbers.

    Can you get a social security number while on a B2 visa? So far the research I have done says no, but I wanted to reach out and see if anyone had any helpful advice?? The grandparents are elderly, and only have medicare (which ever part is for hospital visits) and do not have full coverage. The Grandparents are US Citizens.

    Thank you for any assistance you can give!!

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