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Everything posted by pushbrk

  1. You're guessing and guessing wrong. A Consular Officer, employed by the US Department of State, who follow the Foreign Affairs Manual. The UTAH marriage is not a problem for Consular Officers approving immigrant visas. There are some countries, like the Philippines that don't recognize the marriage internally and will not change names on ID including the passport based on such a marriage, but no impact on US Immigrant visas. There's no need to speculate. People have already come along and given accurate information to the OP.
  2. On most current pay stubs. More is silly. Your pay stub shows Year to Date income anyway.
  3. Note that the affidavit of support is not provided until after the I-130 is approved. That will take about a year. How long until you draw your pension? The answer to the I-864a related question is in the I-864 instructions you MUST become an A-Student of, but NO, the intending immigrant spouse does not provide an I-864a.
  4. I would not bother a joint sponsor, or have them sign such a contract. The OP has a secure government job with plenty of current income. It's Manila. Not a problem.
  5. Yes. That's part of your time consuming homework. 😉
  6. Sounds good, but why not skip the mail and use DHL etc. Far faster and infinitely more reliable.
  7. What is the response you get to your emails?
  8. As an example, that is not a direct translation of her name in Chinese. The closest transliteration to PINYIN (not English) would be Li, Minjie. That first character is Li, not Min. But that's incomplete because if you reverse the translation without knowing the true characters, you may get different characters. Pinyin is imprecise because it does not include the TONE that goes with the syllables.
  9. She doesn't have an "English name". Words mean things. If you mean her Chinese name, in Pinyin, sure. I'm not getting through to you. What you see in Roman letters, such as Li Haoyang, is not "English". It's an imprecise way of expressing Chinese words using the Roman Alphabet. China developed this a few decades ago. It's how we know it's Beijing instead of Peking, and Mao Zedeng instead of Mao Tse Tung. But "Haoyang" is a "transliteration" not a translation. You get the same "Pinyin" for up to 4 DIFFERENT pairs of Chinese Characters. So, they need to see her NAME in the proper (Simplified not Traditional) Chinese characters. You "translate" German or French, to English, but for Russian, Chinese, and Arabic (some examples) you transliterate. But, I'm much more familiar with the inaccuracy of transliteration of Chinese than the other "alphabets". The difference is in the "alphabet" the written language uses. I'm no typing this just to exercise my fingers.
  10. Like I said, never a problem using the I-864, even if you could use the EZ, but study of instructions is still critical.
  11. First and most reliable source of information on this is the instructions for the I-864. Become an A-Student of the entire document and the form itself. Pay special attention to the part that defines "liquid assets". Normally "statements" showing you've held the assets for a year or more, are the proper documentation. Say one each from 12, 9, 6, and 3 months ago, plus a current one.
  12. You're right. Derivatives is not the correct term, but do you really think it is allowed for the IR2 step child of the petitioner to immigrate ahead of the IR1 spouse? Not applicable in this case, of course. The other IR2 situation where they become citizens upon arrival is a different matter.
  13. They are derivatives. If the primary immigrant does not immigrate, they are not authorized to. They might use their visas by traveling separately, but the "computer" CBP uses, should show whether the primary has preceded them or not. If they get in by a CBP mistake, don't expect USCIS to make the same mistake and issue them green cards.
  14. Correct. Now, if your wife decided not to come, her daughter's visas are no good.
  15. A comfortable liquid investment portfolio works every time it is submitted and documented correctly. What you are seeing in terms of problems mostly, is sponsors receiving and making too much of a stock message YOU WILL RECEIVE that SUGGESTS, you MAY want to get a joint sponsor. In 2024 sometime when you DO get that message, ignore it. Not true, no matter how many times you repeat it.
  16. Correct. The Report of Foreign Divorce is needed from the Philippine Statistics Authority in order to change the name in her current passport, so the visa and green card will be issued in the passport name.
  17. Correct, but check to see if the statements show your name and balance on the same single page. If they do, you only need that page from each statement.
  18. It's about seeing her information in Chinese characters, not just Pinyin. I explained you do not have a "direct translation". There is no such thing for many Chinese words and definitely names. Upload a document with her name in Chinese, and here Canadian address in English and get on with your life.
  19. Paystub, singular is fine. They all show YTD income now and have for decades the six months of pay stubs is a decades old artifact in the instructions. Yes, really. Yes, I'm sure.
  20. If you can enter the characters for her name only, do that. Otherwise I would consider it not applicable. Note that those Chinese characters DO NOT directly translate to English. This is called transliteration. They get translated to Pinyin, not English. The Pinyin LI, Haoyang is the pinyin for at least four sets of 3 Chinese characters. That's why they need the actual characters. We used to have to provide the actual telegraphic codes at NVC stage too.
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