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Everything posted by pushbrk

  1. You'll get the email from NVC in a few days. The June date is for their actual review of what you submit once you've paid the fees.
  2. Adoptions are public records. Request from the government entity that owns the record. Obtaining public records from the government owner is a standard part of the process.
  3. Note it is the foreign spouse asking these questions. She will not be filing any petitions. The US Citizen does that. She will be providing information. Who types it into the forms is irrelevant. Only AFTER the I-130s are approved, will the foreign spouse and stepchildren apply for visas.
  4. Those instructions do not have age or time qualifiers.
  5. You are self employed. Your stated "current income" is the number on the total income line of your 2022 federal tax return. Your self employment evidence is fine to include, but it is revenue, not income, until it shows on a tax return.
  6. Yes, or be more specific than construction worker.
  7. I don't know. You would not "add". You would replace. You cannot have two joint sponsors.
  8. The answers above are correct. Get permission from the other parent for them to immigrate and file petitions for them. If you want them to come at the same time, you can simply stall your spouse case at NVC. Lots of information here about how to do that, but start by doing nothing with NVC for now.
  9. You are a self employed construction worker. Best to indicate whether carpenter, plumber, electrician, etc. Be specific. Address is your home address, unless you have a separate business address.
  10. And she told you why. You also have a good idea from the questions you were asked, what the problem was. Unless you have a criminal record or actually lied in your application, it's probably because they didn't believe your relationship was bona fide. Best evidence of a bona fide (genuine) relationship is the time you spend together in person.
  11. When USCIS receives a K1 petition back from a Consulate, they say nothing useful. They just say their approval of the petition has expired (Approvals expire after 4 months unless the Consulate extends them.) and the petitioner is free to file again. With a previous denial for lack of bona fides, you'll need to spend a lot of time with the new woman in person, and NOT marry on the first visit.
  12. To be clear, if paid every two weeks, gross times 26. Twice a month, gross times 24. Times 52 only works for those paid weekly.
  13. You are a US Citizen who is not applying for anything at all. You'll be filing a petition in your spouse's behalf. When that petition is approved, it will be your wife applying for a visa. She will apply "from" where she is currently residing at that time. (Maybe 18 months from now) Where will she be living then?
  14. You received a stock message that is always sent when the latest federal tax return does not show enough on the "total income" line. If your current income is clearly sufficient, just ignore the message. Note the keyword "may" and the phrase "Consular Officer will decide". This is NOT a request for a joint sponsor. It's a suggestion. Whether you should heed it or not depends on information about your income that you have not disclosed here.
  15. You are correct, but as a self employed person, your "current income" (today) comes from the total income line of your 2022 tax return. Self employment income is not "income" until it appears on that line of a US Federal tax return. This is because, until then, it is only "revenue". Income is revenue minus the expenses you claim on your federal tax return. The the 60k number come from the "total income" line of your 2022 tax return, or just from the 1099?
  16. Correct. Upload current ones now and make sure she has more current ones to take to the interview.
  17. You wait. You caused this problem when you completed a section of the I-130 incorrectly for your circumstances. It will take as long as it takes.
  18. 1. Just the pay stubs will be fine. Make sure your wife takes a copy of the most recent one to the interview, as you will have worked there longer by then. 2. Yes, you can complete the DS260 as if it is her doing it. 3. Make sure your wife has YOUR written permission with her when she checks in for the flight. 4. Most likely you are not allowed to attend the interview. Best to have the whole file in her possession in case they want to see something.
  19. I would do it anyway. The petitioner is currently receiving a 1099, so is technically "self employed" not employed. Gross revenue so far this year, would be irrelevant, as it has not appeared on a tax return yet. If income from the "total income" line on the tax return (not the 1099) is not sufficient for the 2022 tax return then the income isn't enough. I realize they have assets, but I would still include the intending immigrant's income an document the transfer to show the income that will continue once they immigrate.
  20. Correction. The visa is issued based on the length of marriage at the time it's issued. The status granted upon entry is also based on length of marriage. You can enter with a CR1 visa, AFTER the second anniversary and receive IR1 status. Irrelevant in this case, as the couple will be IR1 all the way, as they married mor than two years prior to NOW.
  21. You will not find any actual spaces that will accept typing N/A. You can type Not Applicable. For boxes asking for A numbers etc. type all zeros. NONE is also an acceptable answer. For example, when asked about the beneficiary's family, if none or no more after one or two, typing NONE once in the first applicable space, is certainly OK. There are other spaces that are rendered inoperable by having checked a box preceding them. That's why I recommend some common sense.
  22. That there IS a Consulate in Naha is not the issue Yes, immigrant visa interviews are the purview of the Immigrant Visa Unit. However, apparently the Unit in Tokyo can facilitate an interview in Naha, either by somebody assigned to the non-immigrant visa unit there or sending immigrant visa unit members to Naha from time to time. This would be unique to Japan. For example, you cannot interview for a spouse visa in Beijing instead of Guangzhou or Vancouver instead of Montreal, etc.
  23. You say they "can't" stay here. Can't is a very strong word, often misused. Perhaps you mean it would be inconvenient or costly. If you want to maintain her resident status, find a way.
  24. Start by downloading and studying the I-130 instructions. The I-130a is a supplemental form for a spouse, to be completed and uploaded as part of your I-130 filing package.
  25. Even if there IS a US Consulate in Okinawa, there is only one Immigrant Visa Unit for Japan, Tokyo.
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