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Everything posted by pushbrk

  1. Does not change your course of action. File the I-90 to correct the mistake, so they both remove conditions, but when your wife Naturalizes, the daughter will receive citizenship through her mother without any Naturalization process or expense.
  2. Tax RETURN Transcripts are acceptable in your situation, but it will not hurt to include the W2 and 1099 forms.
  3. No limit to the chances to submit, but the need to resubmit is going to delay the process for at least two weeks.
  4. Read further to see that I provided the correct information. My advice is always to read each and every instruction. Don't stop, when you think you have your answer. 😉
  5. And you are right that it's "enough" to answer the direct question, but it is only ONE of the reasons. My policy after all these 18 years here is to think in terms of not just answering direct questions, but telling people what I can see they need to know, and other times, doing a little teaching of the other members, so they are better helpers. To each their own.
  6. Yes, you upload the I-130a. If you are able to fully complete the I-130 without the glitches impacting you, then great. They have to do with data entry issues. I don't have to remember each one, to know they are there.
  7. Not sure why you are confused, Redro. When a joint sponsor qualifies on their own, they should be a "joint sponsor" not the household member of a zero income petitioner.
  8. But it is NOT the only form needed for a spouse filing. Whether it's best or not, is a matter of opinion. The online form is still glitchy.
  9. One most recent is what you need as evidence of your current income. You'll notice your pay stub shows year to date income, right?
  10. 1. If that would be your evidence of a name change, yes. Otherwise, just the divorce decree 2. Yes, that's your A number. It's on your Naturalization Certificate 3. Of course not, but better to just skip any affidavits from friends anyway. 4. No tax or financial information at this time 5. Not at this time 6. Not at this time 7. No need for this when filing online Don't confuse VJ guides with actual form instructions.
  11. You cannot upload what never existed. In this case the use of the word "and" means "if applicable". Some have one or the other but many have both.
  12. Name in native alphabet would be the name in the passport her visa will be in. A is here employer.
  13. Looks like you have a pretty good handle on what to do. I advise you to read those instructions again paying attention to little words like "or". Then read the questions on the form carefully paying attention to who is being asked, and the tense of the question.
  14. This is correct, but the reason is not just that the petitioner does not currently live with his brother. Even if they did live in the same house, the petitioner has no income to combine with his brother.
  15. Maybe. Meeting the minimum is no assurance of success. Clearly exceeding it, can be. The standard is about supporting the couple for three years. A lot of 70k is likely to be gone by the time the couple arrives in the USA. Consular Officers know this and consider the "totality of circumstances" when making their judgment call on the public charge issue.
  16. In and of itself, your foreign benefits are not an issue. Just how is it you are qualifying to sponsor your spouse? Do you have a joint sponsor, or are you using liquid assets? Are the liquid assets well over three times the income requirement. Note, that the liquid assets (as defined in the instructions) must be three times the income shortfall, as a minimum. Your income is zero, in this context, so three times the income requirement. Requirement and you shortfall are equal numbers.
  17. The above is wrong on two counts. 1. For the spouse of a US Citizen, the requirement is three times, not five times. 2. When the visa applicant is the spouse of a US Citizen, their assets can be included without an I-864. 3. is correct, in that Consular Officers will not care about the RECEIPT of foreign benefits, IF the petitioner and/or both otherwise qualify financially.
  18. As lemonslice said, change setting to scan a multiple page document. If you cannot learn (use google) how to do this, take it to a UPS Store, or FedEx Office etc. and ask them to do it for you. This is a tech question, not an immigration question. Doing this process yourself, required computer skills.
  19. Then no need for translation if already in the local language. The instructions are clear on this.
  20. Yes, because Spanish is not the local language in Kenya.
  21. Affidavit filled in the PDF on computer or by hand. Print, sign, upload. Upload the PDF of your complete Federal Tax return, including W2 and 1099 forms. How you do that logistically is up to you, in terms of whether your federal and state is in the same pdf. Your W2 and 1099 forms would not be in the HRB pdf already, so they must be added.
  22. One could say packet 4 in this case is when you receive the passport back with the visa in it.
  23. Don't read "different things". Become an A-Student of the I-130 instructions. You'll be glad you did.
  24. Time for a serious discussion with your husband. The line of questioning about his past would seem to indicate they think something is amiss there. Maybe it's just a similar name. If there IS something wrong with his immigration history, HE knows, even if YOU don't.
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