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Everything posted by pushbrk

  1. I'm far less militant about avoiding removing conditions than some members you are hearing from. It's fees and process. If delaying your family reunification almost six months would break your heart, then don't delay it. The problems people fear do happen, but not frequently. When it comes to costs, you husband working a few months will far outweigh any of those costs.
  2. The entire federal tax return. For some, that will be two pages. For others, many more. W2's are part of the tax return too. If you have a recent pay stub, there is no reason to get an employer letter.
  3. I haven't dealt with a K1 for India lately, but if you have an interview letter that tells you when to go for an interview, why would you need to schedule one on some website? Please clarify whether you have an interview date and time already.
  4. I added needed information to your answer, as an effective way to convey information to the OP.
  5. Correct, but you the immigrant receives a "immigrant visa" not a green card, pays one more fee, THEN enters the USA, THEN receives a green card.
  6. It will be what it will be. There's nothing you can do about it now.
  7. This is not needed for a simple address change. Just answer all question with the truth.
  8. So, this is a spouse visa interview. There is no "biometrics appointment", so what is the actual issue you are asking about . That's what I meant by, "please clarify".
  9. I would say it differently. Once the wife has lived in the US with LPR status three years, she can apply for citizenship if she is still married to the original petitioner. Otherwise, she must wait 5 years. Apply 90 prior to eligibility. An I-751 is moot, once Naturalization is complete, but would be required if the OP's spouse enters the USA before the two year anniversary of their marriage.
  10. Looks good except you missed evidence they actually live in the USA. Not usually an issue with USCIS. If it's asked for, send it. If not, take a copy of a utility bill for them to your interview, along with copies of their current driver licenses.
  11. Not an issue now, but the correct answer was no.
  12. This is the CR1/IR1 visa forum, so the "interview" is for a visa. In this case there is a medical exam needed, not a biometrics appointment. Please clarify.
  13. You already saw that little word "or" in the instructions. That's why you uploaded the complete return. So, sure, it's OK, but carry the "Tax RETURN Transcript" to the interview, just in case they want to see it. There are several "tax transcripts" but only one of them is applicable here.
  14. I already explained that if her A number is unknown to enter zeros. Same is true if it is unknown WHETHER she has an A number.
  15. Just do nothing about the last message. Your wife should have answered no. A US Citizen NEVER immigrates to the USA. But...just ignore the message. It's not relevant.
  16. 1 is a present tense question. Use the married name. She'll have plenty of time to get a new passport. 2 She has an A-number. If known, enter it. If not, enter all zeros 3 Not applicable 4 Look harder
  17. A corrected official document to replace the one you have, would be fine. The corrected document must be issued by the same authority.
  18. I've given my advice. An apostille will not help.
  19. They do not NEED a translation. The best I can suggest is that you make a very high quality scan of the original document, making sure no fraction of any square inch is missing from the scan. Be sure to scan the back of the document if there is ANYTHING on the back. At the same time, upload a letter from you explaining what you just explained to us, that this IS the document, and you cannot obtain a more legible one.
  20. No, that won't work. Is the problem the original document you scanned, or the scan itself?
  21. Here's the context to what you quoted. If it is THIS DOCUMENT, then it could be in any of those forms, but it must first be the correct document with the correct name, obtained from the correct source. Document Name: Birth certificate (Partida de Nacimiento), and Death Certificate (Acta de Defunción). Issuing Government Authority: Certificates are issued by the Provincial Council (Concejo Provincial) or the District Council (Concejo Distrital) of the district or province in which the event occurred and was registered. Registrations have been obligatory under the civil code since 1936.
  22. Go to that link and see what is written about birth certificates.
  23. from: https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/us-visas/Visa-Reciprocity-and-Civil-Documents-by-Country/Peru.html Available: Yes Fees: S/3.70 Nuevos Soles (approximately $1.20 dollars) per page, if issued by the court. Price may vary depending on the issuing authority. Document Name: Sentencia de Divorcio (Divorce Decree) Issuing Government Authority: Judicial Divorces are issued by the Family Court. Special Seal(s) / Color / Format: The format varies depending on the issuing office. Issuing Authority Personnel Title: The document is issued by judges in the Family Court. Registration Criteria: A divorce is noted on the left margin or back of the marriage certificate and makes reference to the resolution of the civil court dissolving the marriage. Procedure for Obtaining: The procedure for obtaining the document varies. Subject must approach to the entity that processed the divorce to request it. Certified Copies: A certified copy of the resolution may be obtained from the clerk (secretario) of the lower court that ordered the divorce. Alternate Documents: Divorces may also be processed in a Municipality or in a Notary's office (Administrative Divorce). In these cases, the issuing authority is the Mayor of the Municipality or the Notary respectively, and the document may be called Resolucion de Alcaldia (Municipal Resolution) or Testimonio. Law N.29227 authorizing these divorces went into effect July 14, 2008. As part of the divorce proceedings, divorces processed by a Municipality or Notary must be registered by the Civil Registry Chief (for those municipalities not yet incorporated in RENIEC or by RENIEC for those incorporated). An annotation would then be placed in the original marriage certificate indicating both the date of the legal separation as well as the final divorce date. For these divorces, the following could be presented as proof of divorce: Please note that in Peru, divorce is a two-step process. First, the couple has to request the legal separation "municipal resolution of separation or "Acta Notarial" (Notary Minute). Two months later either party can request the final divorce resolution. This final divorce resolution is necessary for the divorce to be legal. Resolucion de Alcaldia plus copy of the marriage certificate with the divorce annotation on the back of the certificate. Resolucion Jefatural de RENIEC plus copy of the marriage certificate with the divorce annotation on the back of the certificate. Notary Deed of Arrangement (Testimonio) or Minute plus copy of the marriage certificate with the divorce annotation on the back of the certificate. Exceptions: None. Comments: In the event that an individual marries in Peru and dissolves that marriage outside of Peru, the foreign divorce must be formally recognized in Peru by the Superior Court through an "exequatur" process prior to either party entering into another marriage in Peru. When the exequatur is finalized, the court issues a decree that should be annotated on the marriage certificate. The decree is valid as of the date of the foreign divorce. If the foreign divorce is not registered through the exequatur process and the individual enters into another marriage in Peru, the second marriage will not be legally recognized until the exequatur process is completed. Note: Immigrant visa processing, the U.S. Embassy in Lima requires the Sentencia de Divorcio/Resolucion de Alcaldia. The annotation on the marriage certificate is not sufficient. When submitting civil documents to NVC please submit a copy / scan of front and back even if it is blank.
  24. Correct, because her name change occurred AFTER (or at the same time as) the marriage, not before. Jane Smith married John Doe to become Jane Doe. Not an issue.
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