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Everything posted by pushbrk

  1. It's a non-issue. Do nothing about it, except to get the I-864 and DS260 right.
  2. Their age is not the issue. If they will become US Citizens upon entry, then I-864W is fine and your SS quarters are not relevant.
  3. If 2019 was the petition approval, that's just the petition. The waiver runs a different path/track and needs its own approval.
  4. Best to, if possible. If not possible, well.....so be it.
  5. While that is correct, one should not expect any updates between now and an approval notice.
  6. Not if the children will become US Citizens upon arrival.
  7. The driver license alone is most likely not sufficient, but you could combine that with your daughter's school records and a letter stating your intention to return to the USA and live at that address.
  8. Your quoted message from NVC is of concern. First, yes to your first two questions and no to the third. What the NVC message means is that the "total income" line from your latest 1040 is not enough. You would have gotten this notice because you submitted no tax information for yourself. The self employed do not "project" income. Dad's current income is the number on the total income line of his latest tax return, no matter what your attorney thinks or what is entered on the I-864.
  9. Any order that makes sense to you will be fine.
  10. Sort of. A sponsor must answer questions about their total income on the past three tax returns but are only required to supply a copy of the most recent. The question of "current income" does not come from a tax return. It is calculated from a current pay stub and documented with that same pay stub. In a visa case, unless the sponsor's wife is the immigrant, it is best practice to provide an I-864a from the joint filing spouse, even if they have no income and whether or not their income is "needed".
  11. In the first employment related field, enter Disabled Veteran and provide a start date. If that start date was more than five years ago, you're done with that section.
  12. Correct, and the same communication will also come to the Petitioner, as long as an email address was provided on the petition.
  13. Doesn't mean anything. Wait and hope.
  14. For a spouse visa case, the I-130a is also needed. It seems the OP is relying on asking questions only. Becoming an A-STudent of the forms and their separate instructions is going to be critical to his success. Without that, he will not know what he doesn't know, so will not know what to ask. This guide is also critical to study and understand, for an overview of the entire process, step by step.
  15. The secret to avoiding confusion is to read each question carefully, interpret it literally, and answer it accurately. He lives where he lives. There are no questions about addresses on ID, or property owned.
  16. You must answer the questions asked, and do so honestly. Embassy acknowledging an academic record is not a "thing" in the spouse visa process. Just tell the truth. "Lying" and "omitting" definitely ARE "things" in this process, things NOT to DO.
  17. Great, then your wait is closer to over. Next steps will be taken by your US Citizen Spouse, who will then inform you about YOUR part of next steps.
  18. One PDF for each account would be a good idea. If one page of each statement shows both your name and balance, that's the only page you need to provide.
  19. Sorry, I meant I-864a for his wife. It is not technically required, but it is always a best practice in a visa case. It will not solve your problem. You can respond by explaining that the joint sponsor (name) is self employed, and receives no W2 or 1099 forms. This is a common mistake from NVC when using self employed joint sponsors. His 2023 profit and loss, is ok to submit but his current income is the number called "total income" on the first page of his 1040. Is it clearly high enough?
  20. Recipe for heartache and despair. If you/she insists, then start by becoming an A-Student of the I-130 instructions and the form itself. Rely on us for the things you don't understand after doing the homework. Relying on questions is not a good idea. Without the study, you don't know what you don't know, so don't know what questions to ask.
  21. Then I don't understand your question. If there was a proposal, and one said yes, then that's when you (both) decided to get married. Presumably a somewhat short time before that is when the one who proposed, DECIDED to propose.
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