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Everything posted by pushbrk

  1. Only IF IF IF, the native language does not use the ABCs (Roman Alphabet) Otherwise enter Not Applicable and move on.
  2. Could say American, US Citizen or Puerto Rican, but Puerto Ricans are US Citizens anyway. All three are correct and acceptable answers.
  3. The instructions and anecdotal evidence are both very clear, that a complete copy including W2 and applicable 1099 forms are acceptable......OR, the tax return Transcript. If you want belt and suspenders, request the transcript by another method and have it ready at interview time. NVC will NOT send an RFE for a Tax Return Transcript.....IF....they have the other option already. A Consular Officer MIGHT, but not NVC when done correctly.
  4. Correct. Key timeline is filing to biometrics. The OP's stated plan do not require any "permit". Maybe they are thinking of a possible future issue.
  5. Your bold above is the explanation. It won't hurt. It won't help either. (with USCIS) That's why I said it won't make a difference. Petition approval is a very low bar to hurdle.
  6. Won't make a difference to USCIS. Just list the child and their information on your affidavit of support and the actual DS260 visa application at the NVC stage, after your petition is approved.
  7. Delaying the DS260 will accomplish your delay goal, but you did it backwards. Would have made more sense to delay submitting the affidavit of support. Will probably work anyway, but you'll need updated evidence of current income and the 2023 tax return from your joint sponsor.
  8. "If you understood". No, you "misunderstood". Her plan/need is not an issue. She does not need "permission to leave". Others have provided additional details. NOBODY needs permission to "leave the USA". What one needs is authorization to enter the country they are going to.
  9. Definitely not required to attend the interview. Manila used to allow it, but I don't think they do anymore. The time you've spent living together in the Philippines is going to trump any other relationship concerns. For other readers, it is quite uncommon for the US Citizen to even be in the same area of the building as the location of interviews, mostly because there isn't enough space. It's the applicant's interview. In most cases, the petitioner is not even in country.
  10. Probably not. "Active review" does not mean anybody is doing anything. Once the case gets in queue, it simply waits its turn for a human to spend less than 30 minutes "processing" or "reviewing", then a decision is made.
  11. You cannot pay by actual cash. Check or Money order to Department of Homeland Security. This information is in the instructions you've been given a link to. Your ultimate success depends on you following those instructions precisely. That you did not do so with the I-130 is what put you where you are today.
  12. I meant literally what I said. They will ignore what you put in 62a. You'll need to change address and request a change of Consulate. When NVC contacts you, it will show a GUZ case number for Guangzhou. You can TRY changing her address with USCIS. If it works then you'll get a Bogota case number instead.
  13. It doesn't matter. They will assign to the Consulate based on the Physical Address you gave on the I-130.
  14. You asked the wrong question. The OP is the USC petitioner, so will not have a visa interview.
  15. Officers, often forget or are simply not aware of changes in requirements. We see requests for things from both USCIS and NVC, that are definitely not required, like signatures on I-130a forms from USCIS, or W2 forms to go with tax return transcripts. Still low reward, and high risk, in my opinion. No longer supposed to be required, does not mean you won't face delays because of government employee mistakes. It is always my advice to make it as difficult as possible for the employee to screw up.
  16. Change it at NVC stage, by simply using it on forms. But....You will also be requesting a change of Consulate, as she will interview in Bogota, not Guangzhou.
  17. Yes, you qualify. In the tax section, enter the total income figure from the tax returns. State your current income as the same as your offer/transfer letter from your employer. One current pay stub is sufficient, as it will show your year to date income anyway. That your father owns the business is not relevant, as long as all is true. The offer letter is all the domicile evidence you'll need.
  18. You can summarize periods of travel, or just use, if applicable, your US address for those periods. There are no mentions of "permanent address". If you are living in Germany now instead of traveling and staying in hotels etc. then that is your physical address, whether "permanent" or not.
  19. Still low reward and high risk. I would never advise trying that.
  20. It's not an issue of making both incomes available. It's a contract signed by both. W2's and tax returns are not evidence of current income for working people, but since your parents are NOT working, and you have not stated the sources of their income, we really can't help you separate it without more details. For example if 100% of their income is "joint" from one jointly owned Annuity, then you just spit in in half. I doubt it's that simple. Take the original 1099s or other income documentation and add up which income is for each one. If there is joint income, put half in each column. Then supply copies of those documents as backup.
  21. There is no such rule. You want, confirmation, do what you need to do anyway. Become an A-Student of the I-864 instructions, where you will see no such "rule".
  22. You have a point. Sounds like you did overkill on evidence. Definitely keep originals of government issued "documents" like birth and marriage certificates. Anything else you stored digitally and backed up, can be reproduced, if needed.
  23. I can't think of a reason not to keep it all.
  24. You have already posted the answer to your own question. See last paragraph above.
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