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Everything posted by pushbrk

  1. Please quote it exactly, so we can all be aware of any change.
  2. Unless you are in the USA right now, just enter not applicable for that section after checking NO. Then starting with the passport number, continue to complete the form. Also, advice your spouse to read carefully, including noticing and literally interpreting the little words, like if, or, and etc. They matter.
  3. You have your answer but where are you reading this instruction related to name and address for the specific section of the I-130 online filing?
  4. You are confusing filing a petition with applying for the visa. Once the petition is approved, the foreign spouse is invited to apply for a visa, where they currently live, or where they are a citizen. Since the the second petition is never going to be approved, a K3 visa will never be applied for anywhere.
  5. Passport needs to go back to the Consular IV unit to have a corrected visa affixed. Do not attempt to travel with it.
  6. Correct. COVID delays are generally no longer an issue. Those backlogs have been cleared but there are still places in that region that have very long wait times, like Ghana and Nigeria.
  7. I wasn't talking about "searching" for information here, but it's great you tried. I meant "asking". I can understand why it is difficult to get information about that Consulate though. Maybe post in the appropriate regional forum with a topic title that includes your question. Somebody who has some information might see it and provide some anecdotal information.
  8. Information IS available and tracked here by Consulate. When you ask, include the country in your question.
  9. Exactly. This (informing the CBP officer) is how the green card and Social Security cards get sent to the correct address.
  10. That's only an actual requirement if you need it to track name changes. Example Mary Jones, marries Mr. Smith, then divorces him. Later she marries Mr. Bailey. Her divorce mentions Mary and James Smith divorcing but does not mention the name Mary Jones at all. How does the Consulate know the Mary Jones on the Birth Certificate, Mary Smith on the divorce decree, and Mary Bailey are the same person? Answer: By providing that first marriage certificate. If you were in this situation, you would have needed that marriage certificate for USCIS already, for the same reason. If you didn't, it's not needed now either.
  11. Correct, and I don't know their intentions, but with an immigrant visa to the USA, she can maintain resident status, while living with her deployed active duty husband abroad. Entering Germany is a separate issue pretty easily handled for the spouse of an active duty military man.
  12. I looked it up once. All I remember was something about a wet noodle.
  13. You are overlooking the most important evidence you have. It is last on the list, "any other". For newlyweds living in separate countries, use your evidence of time spent together in person. It's the stamps in passport(s) showing you in the same country, and some photos together. Throw the affidavits away or keep them as momentos.
  14. Exactly correct. Ignore that message, in your situation.
  15. Another good time to say, read carefully (including the little words like or, and, if, etc.) interpret literally and answer or act accordingly. Perfectly ok to copy and send to USCIS the Naturalization certificate, and lots more efficient than copying every page of your passport.
  16. FYI, each US State is different in how divorce decrees are handled. "Decree Absolute" is a British term and only used in the US States that call themselves "Commonwealth", MA, KY, PA, and VA. A US State Dept. link has already been given, which when the country is selected, tells the reader the exact acceptable document or documents, as well as how they can be obtained. That's the source. Randomly searching for something available in MA, would be highly counterproductive.
  17. It depends on whether both your married and maiden name appear on them. If they worked for USCIS, then they are probably ok.
  18. For a spouse visa, they need to see the current marriage certificate. Not sure the source of your quote above, but if the marriage certificate is in the local language where the interview takes place, it does not need to be translated. Previous marriage certificates are only needed if they are the only way to track name changes.
  19. I don't see a solution except to keep your job. The other possibilities mentioned have only remote chances of speeding anything up. Life is hard sometimes. The spouse immigration process can be rough. Your three months together in Greece is far more than most members here can even hope for.
  20. You mention conflicting information online. Imagine that. Just use the official instructions and you will not find conflicts.
  21. For the self employed, current income documentation IS the last tax return, either complete copy or tax return Transcript. Depending on the timing of the interview, you may need the 2023 tax return, but when neither 1099 or W2 forms exist, they are not "required".
  22. It appears that unless you were born in Tunisia or currently living there, no police report is available to you. Not available = Not required. Registration Criteria: A combined police and prison record is available to: Nationals of Tunisia; Foreigners born in Tunisia; and Foreigners presently residing in Tunisia Exceptions: The Tunisian authorities do not issue police records to former foreign residents, unless they were born in Tunisia. In the case of a former foreign resident not born in Tunisia, the Tunisian authorities transmit any criminal record or other derogatory information to authorities with jurisdiction over the foreigner's birthplace.
  23. No harm in filing the I-129f but "will speed up the..." is false. Might speed up...is true.
  24. At interview, probably. There's a question on the I-130 about whether anybody else ever filed a petition in behalf of this beneficiary. The answer is yes, and result is "I-129f Approved but did not apply for K1 visa". No need for further explanation unless asked at the interview. The explanation OP gave is sufficient.
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