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Everything posted by pushbrk

  1. Do you already have an interview date?
  2. Disregard whatever is telling you that you have a week left. You probably have six months left. From NVC to interview tends to vary a lot in Montreal, but think of at least six months from petition approval to interview. Best realistic expectation is to have a visa sometime about a year from now to late next year.
  3. Great. What "was not returned to" you has now been returned, and you supplied the required documentation.
  4. Copy of passport is not needed by USCIS. A copy of the foreign spouse's passport data page will be needed at the NVC stage. So, now you print two copies of each passport photo and mail them in. Follow the instructions exactly. Don't interpret them an other way than literally. That's how they are written and intended to be understood.
  5. Documents in English or in the local language, do not need translation at the NVC or Consulate stages. For the exact document needed and how to obtain it, start here. https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/us-visas/Visa-Reciprocity-and-Civil-Documents-by-Country.html Also download and become an A-Student of the I-864 INSTRUCTIONS and the form itself.
  6. You say you submitted a photo of your passport. That's the problem. You've confused "photo of passport" with "passpor style photos." What is needed is to submit a passport style photo of yourself. The same kind of photo you would submit with a passport application. The instructions are clear on this. Click on the link provided. You'll need more of the same for the beneficiary later at medical and interview.
  7. Yes, it's ok, but I would suggest filing AFTER she is gone, and make sure you uncheck the box on the I-130 that says she's currently in the USA. This can help avoid confusion by USCIS officers. Be sure to leave the adjustment of status location blank or indicate Not Applicable, and then DO indicate the location of the Consulate abroad where she will interview.
  8. Yes, at least for the most recent year, 2023. However, your question indicates you have not yet become an A-Student of the I-864 instructions. That is going to be critical to your ultimate success. Download them right next to where you downloaded the form.
  9. Yes, but since you have no extra pages and your spouse is not currently in the USA, no signature and no passport photo are needed. You just upload the completed PDF. Note, it does not matter who does the typing.
  10. 1. There is an instruction about the question about entering 1 for a spouse that says not to count anybody twice. If the form showed a total of two in the household, then you didn't use Adobe Reader, or never entered 1 as the number of intending immigrants you were sponsoring higher up in the form. 2. If his income won't continue from the same source once in the USA, it cannot be counted. Same goes for yours. His liquid assets can be counted. Did you indicate his assets as a household member, or as the intending immigrant? They should have been entered as the intending immigrant. You need to properly complete the I-864, and submit again as corrected. This is your mistake or mistakes, not the Consulates.
  11. Allotted? No such thing. If more time is needed, it is taken, but yes, it usually takes less than 30 minutes.
  12. My advice is to ignore all estimates of time. None are reliable. Expect the cases to be processed together. If not, their processing time will be similar. There is absolutely no reason to think otherwise. It's a black hole. Adapt.
  13. I suspect you checked a wrong box somewhere. You only use an I-864a in joint sponsor cases. Even if using your foreign spouse's income that will continue from the same source, the I-864a is not required when the applicant is spouse of a US Citizen. Either YOU made a mistake or they did, but no I-864a from spouse of US Citizen. Did you count your husband twice, once as the sponsored immigrant and again as your spouse?
  14. The income need not be taxable to qualify. The above is false. A millionaire investor with all investments in tax free municipal bonds will qualify just fine, with zero taxable income. So will my good friend with 6k a month in non-taxable SS and VA benefits. If the exact wording of the notice actually asks for a joint sponsor, the "why" is not relevant. They get a joint sponsor or there will be no visa. There's likely far more to the totality of circumstances that we do not know. What we do know is that men from MENA countries marrying American Women in circumstances they would not consider marrying in their own country, have a hard time, for various reason. This sounds like one of those cases. The woman has been divorced six times and is on Social Security. I suspect the male, is much younger and never married.
  15. Photos are secondary evidence. Things like passport stamps and boarding passes are primary evidence. If you have photos together, have them available at the interview.
  16. I'm asking for the exact wording in the boxes they checked, not your interpretation of what it said.
  17. The Consulate doesn't care about that. If they require one, there will be no visa without it. It's useless to argue or ask why. What does that notice say, exactly?
  18. Is your wife the petitioner or the foreign spouse. Nothing to update at this stage either way, and probably the high risk issue, is irrelevant, either way, but please do clarify for context.
  19. Your evidence of visiting multiple times over several years "with family" should carry the day. Evidence of time spent together in person is the strongest evidence you can have. Note that "actively reviewed" actually means "in the queue to be reviewed". An actual human will spend less than 30 minutes "reviewing" your case.
  20. They are not going to give you clarification as why. What does the paper say (exactly) that they gave you at the end of the interview? If they said you need a joint sponsor, they mean it. Get one, or no visa.
  21. The visa expiration date will match the expiration date of the medical. The solution is to get and submit a new medical exam prior to visa issue.
  22. I'm not familiar with the error message but your status is the correct status for a payment in process. The time limit is one year from your welcome notice, unless you at least contact them. I still suggest paying the other fee anyway.
  23. Your study should bring you to the knowledge that the affidavit of support ASKS for information about the past, but you must qualify in the present tense. In the present tense, you have no W2 income, because you have no job. If you get a new job, you have "employment income" even though there's no associated W2 YET. But,,,,,they must still consider your current income as your employment income minus last years self employment losses, unless you have evidence you are no longer self employed as a landlord. That would mean evidence you liquidated your rental properties. Retirement accounts are not considered fully liquid if there would be penalties and taxes deducted upon withdrawal. They are worth about half the balance, in using assets to replace an income shortfall.
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