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Everything posted by pushbrk

  1. There are regional differences to what is considered an issue with age differences. A man marrying a woman thirty years his junior in the Philippines is culturally acceptable in the woman's culture. A man from Morocco, who has never been married before, and in his twenties, marrying a divorced woman with children who is too old to HAVE children is extremely unusual. So no, age differences are not "looked at the same". In the context of US Immigration matters, very consideration takes totality of circumstances including local customs and accepted behavior into account. This discussion and my assertions are all in that specific context. All that said, in this case, the age difference is probably not an issue.
  2. You point out a valid issue but it's pretty rare that USCIS challenges the validity of relationships, when reasonable evidence of relationship is presented. The issue you speak of is far more common with Consular Officers at the interview stage. USCIS doesn't issue visas. That's Dept. of State's responsibility.
  3. Correct decision. You could also carry a letter from the joint sponsor withdrawing their affidavit of support. It can't hurt, as they no longer qualify anyway.
  4. Yes, that is a required supporting document in this situation, as clearly stated in the I-485 instructions.
  5. It's definitely possible to upload your updated affidavit of support though.
  6. Yes, just file the I-485. USCIS will retrieve the approved I-130 from NVC.
  7. Yes, it matters but the really problematic age gaps from that region are when the American woman is significantly older than the African man. (reverse age difference)
  8. Significant time together in person, is the solution. How many visits is not the issue. It's how much time together. If you're planning a single visit for a week or two, don't expect success. It seems you've developed a long distance relationship, without considering the practical side. You're an adult. You know the practical aspects are going to cost quite a bit of money and YOU will be the one doing the traveling. My advice is to hold off on commitments to marry, until you've sorted out how you're going to make at least two trips to Kenya, and spend at least a 5 or 6 weeks total together.
  9. If you can, simply delete all references to the joint sponsor. If you can't, just describe the issue to the Consular Officer at interview indicating you no longer require a joint sponsor, and the one you had is unemployed now anyway. If you don't already have an interview date, wait until you do, before doing any updates.
  10. Exactly Answer honestly. If there was a formal name change, obtain the applicable documentation.
  11. Benefits have been addressed. She will need a qualified joint sponsor, or the foreign spouse or fiancé are not getting either of those visas. I think it's unlikely marriage to an unemployed husband will impact her current means tested benefits in any negative way, but do check. If you are successful in immigrating and finding a corporate job, then you will be supporting the family, and your insurance from work will become primary.
  12. I don't understand your question. What do you mean by "ETA on the outcome of our visa decision"? Typically, there is one interview. If successful, they will return her passport within a few days. She won't have a passport during those days, obviously. Visa decisions are made during interviews. If you mean ETA on petition approval, then the answer is she'll have at least a few weeks notice of the interview date, and would be free to travel up until that date.
  13. No. You can file the N600k any time you are ready. She needs to be able to travel to the USA for the interview. Should be no problem getting a visa to do that, when the time comes. Depending on her citizenship, she might not need a visa at all, just ESTA.
  14. There is no difference between evidence of relationship and evidence of bona fide relationship. No "wedding" is required.
  15. Yes. Just use the new passport number next time it's asked for at the NVC stage.
  16. No worries, but it is the I-130 petition that was approved. CR1 is a visa. Visas are only "approved" and granted by Consular Officers. In your case, that's going to be in Manila sometime next year.
  17. Correct. Many here have used the Utah Marriage process, but you must have evidence you were either together at the time of the marriage, or have been together in person between the marriage date and filing the petition.
  18. Only a problem if not true. If the first address covers more than five years, they can see there are no more addresses needed.
  19. You found where to upload the I-130a, right?
  20. No country has more than one US Embassy. Many have multiple US Consulates. Sometimes the Immigrant Visa Unit works out of the Capital City where the embassy is, but very often not. No country has more than one US Immigrant Visa Unit. Canada, China, India, Mexico and many others are examples of countries that have the IV Unit at a Consulate instead of the Embassy. Mozambique, is an example of a country without a US IV Unit, so they interview in Johannesburg. Iran has no US US Embassy or Consulate, so Iranians interview in Ankara or Abu Dhabi.
  21. I meant exactly what I said, literally. No need for any "notification".
  22. Surely you received submission instructions with the 221(g) notice. What do those instructions tell you to do?
  23. Use his new address on the affidavit of support and DS 260. No worries. No "notification".
  24. Actually no. You are talking about adding after the fact. He's asking about adding at the time of submission. You submit the photos and other supporting evidence as part of the initial online submission, or the mailed in package.
  25. Changes nothing. All immigrant visa interviews in Canada are in Montreal.
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