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Everything posted by pushbrk

  1. For US Immigration, it doesn't actually matter if the Philippines recognizes the divorce. "Backdating" a divorce. Sounds fishy to me. She certainly can get divorced from both husbands, then married again to husband number two. But my point was that "this marriage" cannot be used for immigrating to the USA because it happened while she was still married. The bold is true and correct, no matter whether she secures a backdated divorce or not.
  2. Your marriage date is before the end date of your prior marriage. That's not going to work. Surely, you were required to sign something saying you were unmarried, in order to get a marriage license in Georgia or any other place. You have committed two crimes, bigamy, and fraud. You cannot immigrate to the USA based on this marriage.
  3. It appears to be the correct document. What exactly did NVC say about it?
  4. Exactly. Remember that sometimes a question is just a question, not an indication of a problem.
  5. If you entered the USA from Canada using the Canada Visitor Privilege, you would not have a visa number. Do you see any appropriate selection in visa classification drop down? If not then you were never issued a visa.
  6. Nothing in the spouse visa process requires an apostille.
  7. That's a souvenir, and useless for immigration. A certified copy is obtained from the government entity that owns it. They will issue a certified copy of that original government owned document.
  8. You asked a question. I gave you the correct answer using the correct terminology. Look at what you have. If it's a certified copy, not a copy of a certified copy, then that's what he needs.
  9. Please indicate the exact question you are being asked, so we can advise how to answer.
  10. You are confused. Yes, give him what you THINK is the original copy. That's using different words. I said original certified copy.
  11. If actually residing at a place instead of visiting, it should be listed. There's lots of space for that at the end of the form. I don't have a street address, but in that section, I would enter "Red Gate fronting xyz Store, Purok 2, Barangay Name, City, Province..... Use the in care of space, as needed and skip the commas as they may not be accepted. You can also hand write as needed. Often city people don't know this but my address in the US was Rural Route 1, Box XYZ, Town, State. Only the post office knew the route, so you could not "find" me by that address. To find me, it was Six miles east on highway number, then south 3 miles, turning east for another three miles than left, and follow the road crossing three cattle guards, and stop at the fourth. Aside, you could send me mail with just First, Last, City, State. The postal service knew where to deliver it, to a mailbox three miles from the house.
  12. An original "Certified Copy". Original birth certificates are owned by government entities.
  13. Assumptions are dangerous. Start here. https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/us-visas/Visa-Reciprocity-and-Civil-Documents-by-Country.html
  14. No, it doesn't mean that but he WILL need the police certificates.
  15. His baby with the petitioner is part of his case. He should have the whole file related to his case. He needs nothing unrelated. Your US Citizen children are not related to his case.
  16. Don't pick and choose. He should bring the whole file that is directly related to his case. His step children who are already US Citizens are not part of his immigration process.
  17. No, I did not say that. I said NVC won't complete their review as usual. It will all be dealt with by the Consulate. If there's a problem with any documents, you won't hear about it until the interview. If you have worries, deal with them now, in the way I indicated.
  18. No. That's the point of the Expedite. NVC doesn't expedite their review. They send the case to the Consulate to deal with directly. If you are worried about the I-864, then become an A-Student of the I-864 instructions and update it. See if there are any changes from the way you did it the first time. If there are, upload a new financial package.
  19. Yes, NVC will forward the case to the Consulate incomplete in an expedite case. You then submit documents by uploading or hand carrying, as instructed by the Consulate.
  20. You've most likely been reading about people who receive a case not suggesting they might want to secure a joint sponsor. If you know you have well over the required amount of liquid assets, just ignore that notice. You....WILL get it though.
  21. The above is more than a decade out of date. The K3 visa became virtually obsolete February 1, 2010, due to changes in NVC policy change effective that day. Another big nail driven in the already dead visa's coffin came a few years later when USCIS started cancelling/closing the I-129F petitions in favor of the I-130. Still, sometimes filing the I-129F for spouse following the I-130 filing, get's the I-130 pulled out of line and approved early. You never know.
  22. Yes, so that question is no. Have you filed for anybody is yes. Sorry.
  23. The I-130 asks if you've filed a petition for this or any other person. Answer honestly with no worries. It also asked if anybody has previously filed a petition. The answer is yes. It's you. Answer honestly and succinctly and expect no problem.
  24. No. The package immigrants used to hand over is all digital now.
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