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Everything posted by pushbrk

  1. I don't know one that allows selecting the connections as part of the search. Typically the options are listed by price, so scroll down. Another option is two tickets. Find a ticket to the transit country after finding a ticket from that country to Bahamas.
  2. Yes, just about as difficult as the USA.
  3. There may be a way, but there does not have to be. First Google the countries a Turkish Citizen can travel to without a visa, then use a travel website to search for tickets to Bahamas that pass through one of those countries. Bahamas is so close to the USA, that most trans Atlantic flights will arrive in the USA. Maybe through South America. Start here. https://visaguide.world/visa-free-countries/turkish-passport/
  4. What country issued his passport. You must understand that if he cannot get a visa to visit the USA, then he cannot take a connecting flight to the Bahamas, that lands in the USA first either. I expect there ARE flights to the Bahamas that go through other countries first, but you need to be aware of that in your planning. What country he's from makes a big difference on how much evidence of relationship you'll need to be successful. Generally, a single meeting and getting married on the same meeting, can be a big red flag. How long would you be together in person? Everything matters. You asked about waiving meeting in person at all. That won't work, but the king of relationship evidence or the devil that kills things, is in how much time you spend together in person.
  5. Small correction. You need information from all three returns, but only need to send the 2023. Adding that the numbers for the tax section (separate from current income) you use on both the parents' forms is the same. It's the number called "Total Income" on the Tax Return Transcripts. You haven't provided enough information to state their current income though. Your mother's will be the gross pay on the latest pay stub, multiplied by the number of pay periods in a full year, then add the three together. You say Dad is retired. Does he have a stream of retirement income, or just the corporate income?
  6. You need to know that the first action related to immigration is taken by the US Citizen, not the foreign spouse. Start by having a valid marriage to a US Citizen.
  7. Yes, it will be a conflict, but not to worry. Get your mind around the fact that you cannot hide the truth. The Consular Officer will know the whole story, because there is no way to hide it. You must disclose all marriages and divorces. Even if you tried to hide the first marriage and divorce to the US Citizen, they would know because they know you couldn't live together in the UAE without a marriage certificate. The truth is what the truth is. Own it. You have no other choice. If asked, you explain by telling the truth. You realized your first marriage to your current husband was not valid, and you did what you needed to do to fix it. Adding that your son is a US Citizen because his father is, not because you were married to the father. You need confidence in what is the right thing to do. The right thing, may or may not assure your success. Actions have consequences. All you can do is all you can do.
  8. Ugg. Same thing. Combine the PSA and NBI documents with a legal and lawful divorce in the other country. USCIS and Consular Officers can read and understand the timeline of what happened. Once you have a legal divorce from the Filipino, what old or new PSA or NBI documents say about your status only matters to the Philippines. It does not matter to USCIS or a Consular Officer. Surely, I've stated that clearly four times now. What you absolutely need is a divorce that is legal and lawful where it is obtained, and that has a date earlier than your marriage date to your baby's father. Without taking those steps, the rest doesn't matter, but you do NOT NOT NOT need the divorce to be recognized by any Philippine government agency, in order to immigrate to the USA.
  9. That is specific to Malaysia. Ask for it. If you get it, great. If you don't, then ask for a written official reason why.
  10. If you have a home to go back to after a vacation, then the home you go back to or the place you get your mail is where you reside, not the temporary place you stay on vacation.
  11. That assistance company is wrong. I just told you why. The US doesn't care if the Philippines recognizes your divorce. They care if it is a legitimate divorce. In your situation they want to see that the marriage in the Philippines is to the same person you legally divorced BEFORE you marry the person petitioning you. In Filipino style....Yes, really! Yes, I'm sure!
  12. What instructions did they receive regarding a biometric?
  13. Yes, that is the solution. There....IS.....a process for getting the foreign divorce recognized by the PSA in the Philippines, but that is NOT necessary for US immigration. The combination of the valid divorce decree and a PSA CEMAR naming only that husband as her husband, is all the USA needs. No need to register the marriage with the US Embassy. Getting the divorce recognized by the PSA, is only necessary in order to have a new marriage recognized in the Philippines. If you never intend to actually live in the Philippines again, I wouldn't bother. Note, that just because the lawyer is Filipino, does not mean he understands US Immigration, and THAT is the context of everything you ask him about. Waiting on a Philippines annulment might mean you have even more children in the next few years that will take, muddying the waters further.
  14. No, it does not have to be the exact same evidence. They have that already. The required "documents" are what they are. No guarantee they will want to see any of it, and certainly no guarantee they will look at new supporting evidence, not required to have been uploaded already.
  15. Not sure what you mean by leaving the interview location. You cannot pay the fee until the visa is in hand. You will not walk out of the "Interview location" (US Consulate) with the visa in hand. It will arrive affixed to a page of the passport, some days later.
  16. Note the point of the birth certificate is not just to show where and when she was born. It is to show her parents' names as well. They will only accept a birth certificate from the country in which an immigrant was actually born. They do not care how difficult it might be to obtain, unless you can document that it is not possible.
  17. You are the one looking for help. I think you have it now, but if you want the correct advice, you must accurately describe the circumstances. You are in these circumstances because of the choices you made. Now, you have to undo and redo some of your choices. The relevant choices you cannot undo are related to having produced a child.
  18. For Foreign national applicants: Criminal (Investigation) Records Check Report “Bomjoi-Soosakyongryeok Hoiboseo”.
  19. The "why" is simple. They need a marriage certificate to be allowed to cohabitate in the UAE.
  20. Use a different browser. Chrome or IE work.
  21. Then I would write back to them quoting the following. You appear to have already submitted the correct document. Police/Prison Records Available Fees: No fees. Document Name: For Korean national applicants: Criminal (Investigation) Records Check Report 'Issuance of permit to enter and stay in a foreign country’ “Bomjoi-Soosakyongryeok Hoiboseo: Waekuk Yipkuk-Chaeryu Heogayong”. For Foreign national applicants: Criminal (Investigation) Records Check Report “Bomjoi-Soosakyongryeok Hoiboseo”. Issuing Authority: It is issued at any local police station in Korea. Special Seal(s) / Color / Format: It is printed electronically with an official seal of the Commissioner General. A computer-generated anti-fraud logo should be at the bottom of the certificate for Korean nationals. Issuing Authority Personnel Title: Commissioner General, Korean National Police Agency Registration Criteria: There is no registration criteria. Procedure for Obtaining: Korean national applicants may apply in person at a local police station or online at crims.police.go.kr if they have an authentication certificate. Foreign national applicants must request in person at a police station. Applicant’s passport and one photo are required. Certified Copies Available: Certified copies are not available. Alternate Documents: Korean nationals and foreigners living outside Korea can obtain a police certificate through a Korean Embassy or Consulate. They must apply in person at a Korean Embassy or Consulate. Exceptions: None Comments: The certificate may be issued as a single document or as separate Criminal Records Check Report and Investigation Records Check Report. Both are acceptable, but if issued as separate documents, both the Criminal Records Check Report and Investigation Records Check Report must be submitted.
  22. Lots of these marriages during COVID, particularly in the Philippines. People would marry online, then apply for a visa to visit the Philippines (that was not available before their legal marriage) in order to visit their loved one in the Philippines. Many used it as a way to meet for the first time.
  23. That was in the first post. The story keeps changing each time she posts.
  24. Correct. Later posts make it clear the OP understands their current marriage is not valid. Georgia is not going to prosecute them for bigamy, polygamy, or the fraud on the marriage license, but it's all crime just the same. Big can of worms that cannot be solved with more lies.
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