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Everything posted by pushbrk

  1. The prior change in priority between fiancée and spouse visas was due to Covid. It was a Trump Administration when the change was made, but no reason to think that would happen again without a specific reason. There is more to "cause" than "sequence". See... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Post_hoc_ergo_propter_hoc
  2. Sure. Under other names, enter "Goes by (Nickname)"
  3. The DS 260 is filed online. You must answer the questions.
  4. Yes, you have it right. Sounds like your parents are acting as joint sponsor and household member. Be prepared for a 12 month wait for the interview, after becoming document qualified at NVC. Long interview backlog in Manila.
  5. I agree. Also, questions about maintaining student status should be asked at the college. Expect this topic to be moved to the correct forum.
  6. My comments are in the context of the two of you being able to live together.
  7. If a US Citizen has a record of sex crime against a child, it's nearly impossible to for them to bring a foreign spouse with a clean record to the USA. When it's the foreigner, that would be even more difficult. I wouldn't have married under your circumstances, until I saw a clear path to be together. That bridge is already crossed. Make sure you talk to one of the recommended waivers attorneys, before going further.
  8. There is a specific immigration attorney that is often recommended in the waivers forum. I don't recall her name, but you could ask there. Such a lawyer can be trusted to give you the correct advice, but don't expect it to be free. Unfortunately, there are some situations that do not have palatable solutions.
  9. No. Even if it would, it is what it is. You do the right thing.
  10. Spend more time together in person. That's the "trump card" to the whole process. Nobody in an official capacity cares how difficult that is based on your job.
  11. You attach those documents just once for the child's petition. It will become more clear as you study the form itself.
  12. No, it does not "help" for her to sign the form. The address questions should be interpreted literally, and answered accurately. If they just meant "last address" they would not have added the words "of more than a year". Do read carefully, and interpret literally, but don't "overthink".
  13. "Actively reviewing" is a term they use to mean you are in the queue to be reviewed. An actual human will actively review your case for less than 30 minutes, when you get to the front of that person's queue.
  14. Yes, you should advise him to get his information from a reliable source. You are not one. No, they don't usually waive the interview.
  15. The "two years" begins on the marriage date. The interview will be a joint interview, and the status will be adjusted based on the marriage being bona fide, in the present tense, on the day of the interview. The two years does not impact adjusting status. It impacts whether a later process of removing conditions is avoided.
  16. Put your address if that's where she will be living. Her most current entry. In the first line, indicate "Have not yet lived together" Enter only her name in native alphabet. In first address line, type "address is in English" Just leave that section blank. Correct See inserted answers above. This is not a visa case, so expect this topic to be moved appropriately. Since she is adjusting status, you'll be filing I-485 concurrently and three other forms. Follow the appropriate guide by clicking on the word guides at the top of any page here.
  17. Option 2 is fine but only the 2023 is required. Unless there's something about the earlier returns that improves how your finances look, no need to upload more than the current. You'll most likely be updating with 24 return again before the interview anyway.
  18. Not sure if contacting Emma will work. You can also call and ask for a tier two agent. The payment is probably a smaller issue for you than the year or more of delay. Be assertive.
  19. Did you use an address in China as the beneficiary's current mailing and physical address?
  20. Upload a complete new financial package. Hint...edit the existing PDF file instead of starting over. Maybe a 5 minute task.
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