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Everything posted by pushbrk

  1. The question on the form refers to "who are permanent residents...." Since she does not know he is NOT, she enters a "1" and gets on with life. It's really pretty simple. Whether he has 40 quarters or not is significant in a way, but no applicable to the actual question on the form.
  2. Make sure it is identical, and sign it. It's customary to store the original PDF file you printed, on a hard drive somewhere.
  3. Reviewers are humans who make mistakes. When they make this mistake, the correct action is a letter pointing out they have no income to provide evidence of.
  4. Yes, some cases seem to randomly complete the process faster. But, a Pakistani male is still going to have to wait out the security checks, no matter how fast he gets from petition to interview.
  5. I meant to "exclude" everything but what I mentioned.
  6. I thought I covered that in my first answer, when I used the word "only".
  7. You are getting good "personal advice" which you probably don't need and certainly didn't ask for. For a spouse visa, the only petitioner criminal record that would be problematic is one that falls under the Adam Walsh Act. IMBRA, which requires disclosure of criminal records, applies only to K1 fiancée visa petitions. Yes, USCIS will be able to see this record, but you will not hear from them about it.
  8. Then it is counted. You state it as whatever your transfer offer letter from your employer says it will be.
  9. Context is king here. In the context of income that is stated as zero, because it will not continue from the same source, no employer letter or pay stubs are needed. What would their possible purpose be? To document zero income???
  10. Looks like your domicile evidence is OK. The letter indicating your wife will be employed in the USA, is both domicile evidence, and what you need to state her USA income once transferred as her current income to qualify based on income.
  11. The I-130 is already filed, so no DCF available. Yes, at least two Portlands.
  12. Pay stubs are not needed when stating $0 as income, as there is no income to document. No employment letter. No pay stubs either.
  13. Only if it will continue from the same source once back in the USA. Time to become an A student of the I-864 instructions.
  14. Total income line is your current income. Have you filed for 2022 yet? If not, do so, and report ALL income. You are required to report all income, but you are NOT required to deduct all deductible expenses. A temporary tax burden is not as bad as failing to sponsor your spouse.
  15. The question on the form is followed by fields that can be completed by hand or by entering data to the PDF or online form. You suggestion will work, but so will mine.
  16. Japanese document first followed by translation and certification is the order that makes the most sense to me.
  17. Send good color photocopies of the entire package. What country is this for?
  18. Definitely ask CBP about the global entry. Don't expect a packet to hand over. Almost all are electronic now.
  19. Enter her name in Japanese characters, and enter not applicable in the first address field, as her current address is not in Japanese.
  20. I think what you've heard of happening is people who change FROM household member TO joint sponsor. I gave the correct advice for the circumstances you described. Carry on. 😉
  21. Correct, but the OP is traveling OUTSIDE the USA on these tickets. There is no CBP check when exiting the USA, so no US government official to confuse.
  22. That's fine but you should include full name and date of birth for each, not just the name.
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