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Everything posted by pushbrk

  1. He does not need a 1099 for last year. He needs the declaration letter for THIS year. Download from socialsecurity.gov You may need to set up his online account for him. To complete his affidavit of support, you will need all his private information anyway.
  2. Google the instructions. If Dad is not good with computers, you can do it, if you have the necessary information about him. That information is probably in his head, so easy to get.
  3. Any process to bring you to the USA to live, will start with actions by your intended husband. Do you already have a visitor visa, to be in the USA?
  4. Only if your spouse is coming from India. It is not an actual requirement, but Mubai likes to see that.
  5. Citizenship is optional for the kid's Dad, but the kid would become a citizen through his Dad the day his Dad does. Given an 18 month process, the kid might wait as little as 18 months. Anyway, irrelevant as the 18th birthday is the key.
  6. US Citizen child can petition for parent at age 18. He's 5 now, so about 13 years.
  7. Sounds good. Note that the stamped visa page is a temporary green card. He does not have to wait for the physical green card to come and go from the USA.
  8. Child is unlikely to get a visitor visa to the USA, when the father is immigrating or has immigrated. Court ordered full custody is going to be needed. Who will the child stay with once the father enters the USA without him?
  9. In my opinion, that is not sufficient. If a US visa is needed for the mother to travel to the USA, and she cannot get one, her permission could mean she may never see her son again. Permission must be for the child to permanently reside in the USA. If the mother will agree to that, it needs to be in a separate document from the divorce decree.
  10. Yes, disabled and a start date. For next employment history, "Self Employed" as "occupation". Use your home address. Enter a start date and if you will be doing more, leave blank or hand write Present for the end date.
  11. Agreed. Note that permission from the other parent is required. Has that already been secured? Not needed until the interview, but you should have that sorted out before starting the child's process.
  12. Give the new address for the passport and visa to be sent.
  13. Absolutely submit the complete tax return. As you read instructions, pay attention to little words like "or" and interpret them literally.
  14. I suggest you stop behaving as if direct information from individuals' personal experience is your primary source of information. You'll see plenty of people who did it wrong (with regard to consummation). What is to be learned from those data points, is to do it right.
  15. You'll be submitting both evidence of your bona fide relationship AND evidence of consummation. However, the primary evidence for both is passport stamps showing the US Citizen is in country with you, on or after the date of the marriage. What you've seen and what IS, are not the same. Your primary evidence that it works is in the I-130 instructions itself, and in the basic understanding that legal and lawful marriage, simply IS legal and lawful marriage. (In the USA, marriage is in the jurisdiction of each individual State.) Whether the Utah County marriage "works" for US Immigration, is not even debatable. It works.
  16. Yes, that would take care of the liquid issue, but do show and document the remaining balance as well.
  17. Married is married. If you can marry legally in Argentina, go for it. But, you do not get that marriage certificate translated at the US Consulate. They don't do that. Any competent translator can provide the translation and certify it is correct. Those lawyers are wrong. Many successful Utah marriage cases here. Again, married is married, but you must provide evidence you were together during or after the online ceremony along with the certificate. This is all clear in the I-130 instructions.
  18. Study the instructions, then ask specific questions. For retirement assets, it depends on whether there would be penalties for early withdrawal. Usually there are. This is why "instructions first".
  19. Yes, the instructions are pretty clear on this. Make sure you understand what they mean when they use the word "liquid" preceding assets.
  20. No document involved in this. Simply type the information on the form using the proper characters. The I-130 is not a "document".
  21. For Vietnam, I would complete the whole section with the proper characters.
  22. Then you were married in the location on the marriage certificate.
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