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Everything posted by pushbrk

  1. That would be my advice too, but no way to know if it will work.
  2. USCIS will also accept you just typing in Arabic etc. directly on the form. The PDF will accept anything letters your computer will type, or paste. You only need a separate document when that won't work. Yes, follow the format shown on the I-130 for any additional document for name and address.
  3. This kind of mistake is WHY there IS a deferred inspection office. My wife and stepdaughter's visas were stamped with an invalid date, August 39, 2XXX. The officer also didn't take their packets. Sounds like this officer did not recognize the visa as an immigrant visa. Get to Baltimore and get it handled.
  4. Correction. NVC will initially assign the case to Montreal. As another stated earlier, they will need to request the transfer to HCMC.
  5. Not sure I understand your question, but if you uploaded three copies of the same thing, it's no problem.
  6. No such thing as a cosponsor. Dad will be your joint sponsor. That you used to and will in the future, live at the same address is irrelevant. If Dad is married, his wife will provide an I-864a regardless of whether she has income of whether her income is needed. Now....Become an A-Student of the I-864 instructions AND the form itself.
  7. You will be presented (on the website) with the signing instructions when you get to that point in your readiness to file.
  8. Again, words mean things. You asked about filing other forms, not filing other documents. A "concurrent filing" IS about other forms but it is not applicable to a visa case. File the required forms according to the I-130 instructions. Other forms are filed later in the process, not NOW, so not "concurrently". You WILL file "documents" in support of your I-130 and I-130a "forms".
  9. Not new at all. Certified Digital Copy, is very familiar. You said Digitally Certified. Words mean things. The government agency owns the original. You ask for a "Certified Copy". You get a "Photocopy" of an original document. A photocopy is produced by scan and print from the same machine. A "digital copy" is a scan of the original that can be "printed anywhere". You have a scan, of a "certified copy". Nothing got "Digitally Certified".
  10. Documents that are too large, should be rescanned at a lower resolution.
  11. Nothing, as no petition was filed for her directly.
  12. "Digitally Certified". Never heard of that. If you mean a digital copy of a Certified Copy, yes that's ok. A "Scan, email, and print" is the same as a "photocopy". If you were married in your foreign spouse's country, they would have the original and would be well advised to carry it to the interview, but that is not your situation.
  13. He's made it clear that the question is hypothetical.
  14. Correct. Context is King here.
  15. Takes a six figure foreign income to cause any US income tax, but you must file the tax return to get the exclusion.
  16. You'll need to update your own affidavit of support while you're at it. Be sure to list your child as a dependent and update your tax and current income information along with documentation of same.
  17. Sounds like there will be no visa without one, so no, they won't "mind".
  18. Your son is your dependent. The truth is what the truth is. You are always the primary sponsor. If you don't qualify now, you'll need a qualified joint sponsor.
  19. He doesn't count as an immigrant. You count him as a dependent. The income requirement for you will be based on a household of three, if he is the only child.
  20. Transferring the money is not a problem, and the earlier the better, so you can show it's been there a while. The 401k can certainly be used and you would show the full balance. However, expect that portion to be considered at something like 50% of value, at best. Liquidating not only has penalties but can be construed as "harmful" to the sponsor. Whether you will need a joint sponsor depends on the actual details of the assets, but they are definitely considered and people qualify on assets alone, when they are clearly sufficient. If your lawyer knows all the details, he may be correct in saying YOU will not qualify based on assets, but it is NOT true that people cannot qualify based on assets NOW. Nothing "changed".
  21. First you said USCIS. NVC is Dept. of State. However, NVC does not make the final decision. What we have been seeing here is that when income from the most recent tax return is not sufficient, NVC will go ahead and send the case to the Consulate, but give you a message, saying a couple key things. Most important is that "The Consular Officer will make the final decision." Second most important is that you "MAY want to add a joint sponsor..." The I-864 defines liquid assets. Seems you've read that. When the assets are abroad and NOT YET LIQUID, you may have a problem. My advice is to liquidate and move the assets to the USA at least a few months before the visa interview. If you've "recently filed" the I-130, then you have well over a year to liquidate the assets before the NVC stage. 100k for two people is marginal though. You can easily go through a good chunk of that in relocation and temporary living expenses. It's a judgment call, but definitely, liquid assets are still accepted by USCIS (not relevant), NVC, and Consular Officers.
  22. Your lawyer is wrong. First, for a visa case, USCIS is not the agency that makes the decision on financial issues. It's the sole discretion of the Consular Officer. They definitely WILL accept liquid assets but it takes $3 in liquid assets for each $1 of income shortfall as a minimum. Maybe your lawyer is saying your assets are insufficient, or not liquid.
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