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Everything posted by pushbrk

  1. So, clearly you know why your visa was refused. It's because you are ineligible for the visa. That's why the I-601 was filed. You should never have expected a visa before the I-601 waiver of ineligibility was granted. Now you wait, and MAYBE you get a visa.
  2. Yes, for a household of two, 37k should be fine. I see what you mean. You elected to take the dividends instead of reinvesting them. That would explain the even number. It just raised a flag to me.
  3. Looks like you don't have a schedule C because you are not in business. Your income comes from investment dividends. Your current income is $37,000. What's your household size? You could also add any investment statements that state the amount of the dividends. Dividends in even thousands, is going to look rare. I would go ahead and state and document the liquid cash, but skip the home equity or any other real property.
  4. 2. Certainly 1. I see as a possible grey area. If you maintained an actual residence elsewhere while having a temporary rental elsewhere, I would use that permanent address as your residence address. Otherwise, your address history is what it is. Plenty of room in the text fields on last pages to provide it.
  5. The partner page here exists for good reason. Not everybody can, should, or wants to do it themselves. https://www.visajourney.com/partners/
  6. A copy of a complete tax return including all schedules is accepted. Consulates accept that if you are willing to state the income to IRS, and pay the applicable taxes, that the income is real. Your full tax return or Tax Return Transcript absolutely IS how the self employed show evidence of their income. Works every time it is tried. Note that it is the schedule C that details revenue minus expenses to produce the "total income" number on the first page of the 1040. Only if your lawyer is saying that the 1040 alone without the other schedules is insufficient, would they be correct.
  7. I don't see a problem with you using your visitor privilege in the meantime.
  8. If you become an A-Student of the I-864 instructions and consult the I-864p, you can not only be sure the answer is yes, but you'll learn exactly how to make it work.
  9. POE means the airport. That's the reason. You can either reschedule or you might be able to go to the nearest Deferred Inspection Office for Customs and Border Patrol to get that done. Worth a try.
  10. Now you know. It is a Department of State administrative process.
  11. Rarely, but if that happens, it's usually before the petition is approved. Also rarely there will be (google it) a "Stokes Interview".
  12. And it sound like you are fine, but this decision is not about meeting a qualifying minimum. It's a judgment call about how likely (or not) your spouse will become a public charge. In making that judgment, the Consular Officer is tasked with considering the totality of circumstances. Nobody really expects the joint sponsor is going to ACTUALLY SUPPORT the immigrant. You as primary sponsor, and your spouse will be doing that, or not. That one or both of you have a history of good incomes, is a very real consideration.
  13. Yes, you can submit a complete copy of the amended return instead. Consular Officers are smart and trained well enough they can see your income is foreign and consider whether or not you're currently earning well. That won't qualify you without a joint sponsor, but it's still a plus. You'll also be stating your "current income" as zero. Note the wording of that question asks for the current income you are using to qualify. It's still zero, but it is not you stating you have no income. You just have no income you can use to qualify to sponsor your spouse.
  14. Possibly and definitely worth a try. Note this is not critical unless the immigrant is working and needs to show continued status, of if international travel is planned.
  15. Note that the applicable "transcript" is the "Tax Return Transcript". Several kinds of transcripts are available from IRS.
  16. Nobody knows if YOU can do it alone. If you can be a good student (A-Student of instructions and forms) and will put in the effort to do the homework, you probably can if your English language skills are in the range of "very good". Aptitude and attitude are very important. Anybody who doesn't know anything about you besides what you wrote above, is IMO, a fool to tell you you can do it yourself, because THEY don't know YOU.
  17. Note that your question is consulate specific, but you did not mention which consulate until after you got several generic answers. Depending on the timing of reviews, it may still be the same. Manila used to let the petitioner in, but they stopped that during COVID. Usually, it's a matter of whether they have the space. The visa applicant is the one being interviewed.
  18. While the above is correct and reasonable, it is also true the Consular Officer is not required to look at or consider anything brought to the interview unless it was specifically requested to be physically brought.
  19. The whole file is available to the Consular Officer. They ARE the final say on the public charge issue. What they will actually look at, we have no way of knowing. Their job is to be prepared before the interview, so it is incorrect to conclude they only see what you see them looking at. Consular Officers are not required to consider anything brought to the interview (not already in the file) though. Some will and some won't. It depends on the situation. Typically, if it's not already uploaded to CEAC, it's going to need to be before a decision is made.
  20. Yes, you must count your minor children no matter where they live.
  21. That you are living together in Morocco is very strong evidence of a bona fide relationship, no matter what other red flags may exist.
  22. It's the number on the line named "total income". It is not your gross revenue. In this context, income is revenue minus business expenses. Again, you find the number labeled "total income". That is not only the number for the tax section for 2022, but also your qualifying "current income" if self employed.
  23. It depends on what you mean by "been with her". It's not how long since you met online that matters. What matters is how much time you've spent together in person. How many visits? How long? How much time all together in person? The details matter.
  24. That's what I would expect. Proof of mailing is not proof of WHAT you mailed, so would be useless anyway.
  25. It's time to find out though. This is another reason why terminology and learning the process are so important. Yes, the foreigner is the one applying for a visa, but not until the petitioner's petition in their behalf has been approved. When I petitioned for my ex wife, I entered all her information as beneficiary and checked the box for spouse, but when asked for MY spouse's name, I entered "None" because I was so used to that after 16 years single. THAT mistake was so common, USCIS just overlooked it. After 17+ years around this process though, I've never seen or heard of THIS mistake.
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