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Everything posted by pushbrk

  1. Any "RFE" is "at this stage", meaning between filing and decision. It's for something they want that was not included in the package. Nobody here could accurately speculate on what it might be, without far more information about your case and what you DID include with your initial filing. You could entertain yourself reading "The stupid RFE" thread pinned at the top of this forum.
  2. You notify USCIS that you've naturalized. When the petition for spouse gets to the National Visa Center, it will proceed right away. As a US Citizen, you'll file a separate petition/I-130 for each parent.
  3. Correct. There is no "processing time" associated with a Consulate change. It's a matter of days.
  4. "After she arrived" is not the issue. It must have been issued after she left or as she was leaving. Otherwise she needs a new one, exactly the one described, and obtained exactly as instructed in the link I gave you. No police clearances are needed for the petitioner. (You) Now is also a good time for you to understand the I-130 is a petition for alien relative, not an "application". When YOUR petition is approved, the foreign relative(s) are invited to "apply for" immigrant visas. Both details AND terminology are important for understanding the process and what is needed.
  5. The information on the marriage certificate is the key. People get new passports during the process often. It's a non-issue. They aren't worried you are bringing her sister instead, you know, somebody with the same address history and parents. 😜
  6. Your question should have included that. If she has the correct document and it was issued AFTER she left Romania, then she does not need a new one. Details matter.
  7. It doesn't matter how it "seems" to anybody. It must be obtained exactly as instructed.
  8. No problem. Just use the new name from NVC going forward. If you knew the firm intention to make the change, you could have filed in the married name, even if the change was not complete yet.
  9. It is absolutely necessary, unless actually not available. See how and what here. https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/us-visas/Visa-Reciprocity-and-Civil-Documents-by-Country/Romania.html
  10. Maybe a typo but "online" meeting doesn't count. In person time between the Utah proxy marriage date and the petition filing date is what is required. You do not need to show you cohabitated. His passport stamps entering and exiting the Philippines is all the "consummation" evidence needed, but it is absolutely required.
  11. Then she should take the most recent pay stub for a full pay period. If asked, she can just say you're starting a new job today. Don't expect an issue. It's OK to change jobs.
  12. Then just have the spouse take a current pay stub from the new job to the interview. I would skip the offer letter, if it contains the word "temporary".
  13. Is the new job a W2 employee job or will you be a self employed "contractor"? That's what makes the difference. Note that the time to ask this question is before you make the change.
  14. Yes, it's possible. Notify NVC of the intention, once the petition is approved and transferred there.
  15. Get married when and where you want, then do the spouse visa. From Mexico, it will take a couple years. If she doesn't abuse the visa, but staying too long or spending more time in the USA than out, she should be able to visit. Unfortunately, the USA does not have "I want to" visas related to immigration. You must choose from the available paths. That what the lawyer proposes has been happening regularly for years, does not make it right. Adjusting status as the lawyer proposes, has it's drawbacks too. She'll be stuck in the USA from entry plus close to a year, without the ability to come and go, or work and will lose her B2 visa as well.
  16. The FEIE exists because foreign income presumably is taxed in the country where it is earned. A W2 US employee isn't earning that income as foreign income.
  17. I also said I'm not a tax expert. I'll defer to those who are. But, it just seems counterintuitive that a W2 employee of a US Company, can take the FEIE just because they don't live in the USA.
  18. Sometimes they do ask. The year you sponsor an immigrant is not the year to delay filing your tax return. If she cannot file it before the interview, then you should have with you, her W2 form and a recent pay stub, as evidence she still has the same job.
  19. Not really a tax expert, but if you work for a US Company and get a W2 form, I doubt it's proper to take the FEIE to begin with. But yes, this will reduce your qualifying sponsor income to whatever is left over on the "total income" line of your 1040. If you have an offer letter that shows you will return to the same company in the USA, then you can state your "current income" as what is stated on that offer letter, and should be ok.
  20. Knowing the country would help us answer that question. Unless it's in the Middle East, probably just a few weeks.
  21. Those will not be returned. A careful read of the instructions told you to send copies.
  22. Just actual evidence you live together should be sufficient. What do you have to document you live at the same address?
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