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About Cam&jada

  • Birthday 10/01/1977

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • City
    Salt lake
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Immigration Info

  • Immigration Status
    K-1 Visa
  • Place benefits filed at
  • Our Story
    We are both members of the same faith (LDS), and we met on Facebook. Have been talking every day since August of 2012. We finally got to meet in person with an amazing trip to Boracay. We couldn't be happier together.

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  1. Hadn't even thought of that. It looks more promising as I read about it.
  2. Got it. I missed the qualifying relationship part. That kind of eliminates that option. Thanks for catching it. Got it. Thanks!
  3. No. Not to bring a relative. We have been trying to find a US citizen to hire but have had no luck. There is a large need for vets right now and finding one to come to a rural area has proven to be very difficult. Even finding people willing to consider it has been very lacking. Of course local would be the best and easiest way, but it isn't working. But all of your questions and thoughts are great. Thanks!
  4. Hello Everyone! I'm doing some research online trying to get the best answer, but realized I'd be nuts not to ask here with all the wisdom that we've received in the past for my wife's visa. We are looking to hire a veterinarian at our clinic in the US. We have several good candidates that we are in the process of interviewing now. We have never done anything with the work visa route and would love advice and insight. I think the likely visa to work with would be the H-1B or H-1B1, correct? If so, what would we expect if we go that route? Timeline? Likelihood of it being approved? What is needed from us in order for them to apply? Etc. I am also looking at the L Visa (Intracompany Transferee) as an option. We could hire them for the next year working in a remote capacity while they are preparing for and taking the needed tests and certifications needed and then if all works out go with this option. Any thoughts on that? Thanks so much!
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