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Posts posted by jimnjoan

  1. she called the number from a different phone they answered but didnt say anything. I think its best for us to just do what is in our control and that is doing the medical and going to the interview and having faith that everything will be fine. I will be there to support her at the interview and we have tons of proof of our love. Ive spent alot of time with her in the phillipines and we talk every single day

  2. she said she will call them soon using a different phone to find out who it is thats calling them. It would have to be someone that knows what a ds-160 is so they would have had to go thru the process of getting a visa before or know how it works. I just pray and hope that whatever happens it wont effect her getting her visa. hoping its some jealous friend or something just trying to hurt her.

  3. she has only told her family and only a few of her closest of friends. she had never even been to manila until she met me at the airport so she doesnt know anyone from that area. I would assume that either someone is very jealous of her and trying to play games or somehow somebody who works at usem got ahold of her file and is doing very wrong. which would be very troubling due to all of the personal information that they have about me and her.

  4. Maybe we can contact the embassy and inform about this..thanks for all your reply;)

    Have her block the number if she can. The Embassy would never do this, they would call or email and a well paid embassy employee would never risk their job. I would not bother reporting either as this is just a childish game. I have had so many unsolicited texts in the Philippines, even when doing a load the person has your number and can give it to others. Unlitxt and a bored Filipino...

  5. The number came from Phil..I cant believe it too that a CO can asked this things to me..But what if? Maybe not a CO,but someone who has connection with a CO' i guess'..I cant tell one of my friends or people can do this to me,I only gave my my number nd information when I scheduled my interview..Until im confused,what is this..thats why i need some opinion if theres someone had experienced on this too..

  6. my fiance got some texts today and they asking is this is ms joan xxxxxxx

    they said this is from the consular section immagrant visa unit american embassy manila

    they asked her if she is im manila now or in mindanao. she replied mindanao now why? do i have something to do or need for my interview

    they then asked if she can come to the interview immediately if your requirements are complete.

    she said Waint i need to inform my fiance first for we alreaddy booked my ticket dthere in march and my hotel. cane u give me some time to talk to my fiance about this? ahd about my fequirements i dont have my nbi or my police record yet until the 26th of feb.

    they asked her do u have all the requiremtns now. the printed ds160 form

    she answered yes i got it printed already but not my nbi and medical.

    they replied can you do something for me before the interview

    my fiance answered what?

    he replied we can go out

    she asked what for

    he answered if you want to pass the interview

    she replied im sorry i dont think so thats part of the requirements i need to pass my interview

    then they answered allright ill make it hard for you to pass

    she relied have a nice day

    has anything like this ever happened before

    our interview is march 17. she is going on the 9th to do her medical

    Something fishy is going on here. are they investigating her or trying to see if she will rush there to try to take a easy way to get a visa. she was petitioned by a guy over a year ago but they broke up and she had him withraw the petition and it never got an noa2. i think maybe they think she is looking for a visa and will do anything to get one and are testing her. she did not tell them that i am also going to be going to the interveiw with her

    We both truly love each other and i have visited her twice spending a month with her and her family. and going for the third time to the interview

    please help with this any ideas would be great help on why they would do this to her

  7. thanks for the info. I will give it a few more weeks I figured they must have approved me towards the end of november for the nvc to recieve it and ship it out by dec 18th, but with all the holidays who knows lol. we are definitely moving forward with it. my fiance is on her way now to pay the visa fee so we can shedule the appointment. i looked it up on ceac website and it states they recieved on on dec 13 and then it was sent out on the 18th. thank you everyone for you comments and help. Look forward to moving on to this next step in our journey. we are very excited about the good news

  8. thanks so much hank thats what i figured was the best thing to do was to just pay the visa fee and get the visa scheduled asap. I know we are good to go without a I797 approval until the aos. after i get the word from the embassy that they have recieved the approval from the nvc should i then contact the uscis again and tell them i want to talk to a tier two officer there who can figure out why I am still stuck at the change alien registration number and figure out why they dont have it listed as approved and how i can get my noa2/I-797 approval from them since they dont even have me listed as approved. Im sure they have to have something on file there still if they research correct? or did they transfer everything to nvc. have u ever heard of this happening before

  9. i just called uscis and they dont have any clue. they said that in their computer that it is still at change alien registration number and they have no record of an approval so someone must have made a mistake and not entered it in their computer. they said that its prob been approved and that i need to call the embassy in manila to verify if they recieved it since its already been sent out by the nvc. I really dont understand how they could not even know if its been approved. does anyone know how to contact the embassy in manila and when i should call them. Im really nervous that they screwed it up and will be hard to get that i797 for her aos change. i really hope they can get this taken care of. i know it wont hurt us now for the visa approval but worried it could really mess us up in aos if they dont get this right. i have my fiance paying the visa fee today so we can schedule the interview and get that set up.

  10. We got noa1 on oct 22 2013 and we waited and waited for noa2 and started to get really worried cause everyone else was being approved and not us.

    I just got back from visiting my fiance in the phillipines and opened the mail and got a letter from nvc stating that they recieved my approved petition and forwarded it to the manila embassy and it has our mnl #

    can i ask are we good to go can we schedule our interview now and what do i do about not recieving anything from the uscis. on their website it states that the last thing they did was change alien registration number on oct 25th and shows no approval and we never recieved noa2 but i assume that i am approved and that they just never updated it and never sent me the noa2. what should i do any advice would be greatly appreciated.

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