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Posts posted by Aboyum

  1. Similar case, mi fiance stay illegaly in usa for 7 months, his entreview was in agost 2013 and they said he canot enter until agost 2014, we are 7 months now from that date, what we should do now?, he call to the embasy and the said not to do all the k 1 process againg, just to reprogram an entreviw, is there anybody with a similar case, i will like to know how to proced. Por favor si alguien tiene un caso similar o ha pasado por este proceso le agradecemos la ayuda que nos brinden, mi prometido estubo illegalmente en usa por 7 meses y en la entrevista le negaron la visa y le dijieron que apli ara a un waiver o perdon, el caso es que estamos solo a 7 meses de cumplir el castigo de 3 años (se cumplen en agosto del 2014), por tal razon preferimos esperar ese tiempo y volver aplicar por la visa, el llamo a la embajada y le dijieron que no tenia que volver a hacer todo el pfo eso de la visa k1 y que solo tiene que reprogramar una cita con la embajada, solo queremos saber si alguien paso por este mismo proceso pues nuestro deseo es obtener la visa el mismo agosto, agradesco de antemano la ayuda y consejos que se nos brinden

    Was your fiancé over 18 while he was in USA for 7 months? If he was under 18 then the 7 months don't count against him because he was a minor.

  2. Just spoke to a rep from NVC trying to get my case number / IIN / BIN.

    He stated that I needed to wait at least 8 weeks for them to receive / have that information.

    my approval notice was October 29th, 2013.

    Pretty sure it won't take 8 weeks, I have heard about a month or so but was wondering. . .

    Is anyone else having to wait 8 weeks for a case number? Just curious if they are getting behind or that he just told me 8 weeks as a safety net type of deal.

  3. Can you guys give us a little more information about your I-130? Was it expedited? Did you guys file to NBC? Was it ever transferred?Where was the approval from?

    Everything is on my timeline.

    Sent i130 on April 19th,

    Priority Date: April 22

    NOA2 on October 31st

    After I sent the i130 in on April 19th, I never expedited, transferred or called anybody about speeding up the process.

    I have an attorney, I understood that in reality there isn't anything I could do to speed up this process. Yes, it seems like forever but you just have to keep waiting. I wouldn't try to expedite the i130 because I knew there are some people out there that really need theirs expedited, not just because I wanted mine to go faster. The more expedites that people send in, the more time it takes away form actually approving the i130s. So all you can do is sit back and wait like everybody else. :(

    Try to stay as busy as possible, I work about 50 hours a week plus have 24 credits in college for one semester. Staying busy helps, but doesn't really make things easier. I don't know what any of your faiths are, but I'm catholic & prayed really hard so that I would get an NOA2, but that's up to God so I can't say weather that really made a difference or not.

    I'm sorry those aren't the answers that you are looking for, but I don't really have any tricks about what can make things go faster.

    P.S. While waiting for NOA2, just make yourself feel better by getting things ready for the Affidavit of support, get your documents in order so that when you do get your approval, then you don't have to make the process any longer than it has to be. You can email me if you have questions about that stage.

  4. We recevied our NOA-2! Now we are beginning the National Visa Center stage...anybody already there and can give us any tips?


    I'm also in that stage.

    you will need tax forms, w2s for the last three years (affidavit of support)

    proof of employment (last three paystubs generally)

    2 passport pictures of your spouse

    marriage certificates

    proof of citizenship (birth certificate, passport copy)

    plus some DS forms, but depending on situation those can differ.

    & a few fees that round out to about 500 to pay all together before you can schedule an interview.

    Good Luck with everything!

  5. Replying to questions :

    Blueberry Pancake - I only filed a i130, along with all of the proof. when stacked together the proof was probably about 4 inches thick.

    Sandraperry - I'm sorry that yours hasn't been approved yet. unsure.png I wish things went in order. The only thing I can think of why mine may have been approved sooner is because I filed with the help of a lawyer so she put a colored cover on the stack of proof and the i130 to ensure it didn't get put to the bottom of the stacks? I wish I had a better answer than that. Maybe they look at petitions filed with lawyers first? Only God knows what they are really up to in there.

    Semidevil - No, I never did anything after filing the i130. I just sat and waited for what felt like forever. Never expedited or asked senator for help. I just made sure that everything was perfect before sending in the i130 / evidence/ proof.

  6. Approval ! ! ! ! ! biggrin.pngyes.gif

    NBC received my case for my husband's i130 on April 22nd of 2013, and

    on October 29th of 2013 I opened my email and saw it!

    Then I checked the USCIS website to make sure I wasn't going crazy and starting to see things.

    When I realized this was true I had tears of happiness streaming down my face and I was at work so I couldn't post then but as soon as I got home I came to let all of you know that they must be working on April filers more, and that it seems like April filers aren't being transferred.

    My case was at Lee Summit, MO and I never had a transfer.

    I'm honestly in shock, I was preparing to wait a few more months from what I have been reading.

    This gives me hope that all of you will get your approvals soon also!

    Don't give up hope yet!

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