We have been refused again under section 212 (a) 3 (b) after filing a writ of mandamus 2 months ago. It has been 13 years and i am done with it. We provided everything all evidence that shows he is not a terrorist and still they labeled him as one. I will never apply again. I will live with my husband abroad with our kids and enjoy our lives together. I fought this accusation so hard and now it has come to an end. They give visas left and right to people who abuse it in the states, but they refuse people who work hard and want to make something from themselves and live happily with their family. Life is not fair. Now i know how to move forward and stop feeling like something is pulling us back. This weight has been lifted off. Im glad i got to get this off my chest. Thank you guys i have been a member since forever but stopped posting cause it was all to much. Goodluck to everyone on their visas and their future in the states ๐๐ป