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Posts posted by CecileH

  1. Hello everyone,

    Just wanna ask about the letter of consent in cfo here have this "MUNICIPAL FORM NO. 92 (Form No. 6) CONSENT TO MARRIAGE OF A PERSON UNDER AGE---------------ooOoo--------------City or Municipality of _____________________________ Province of _____________________ ______________________________________, resident of _______________________________, and Father Mother Guardian Person in charge *of ______________________________________________, resident of ________________________, single, above eighteen and less than twenty one* years of age, being duly sworn, do hereby depose and say that I freely consent to said __________________ marrying with _____________________________, resident of _____________________________ that I know of no legal impediment to such marriage. ____________________________________ (Signature of father, mother, or guardian) WITNESSES (Not necessary if this affidavit is subscribed to before the Local Civil Registrar concerned.) ______________________________________ ______________________________________ SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this ______ day of _____________________, 20_______ at ____________________________________, Philippines. Exempt from documentary stamp tax _______________________________________ (Signature of person administering oath) _______________________________________ Position INSTRUCTIONS-----oOo----In case either or both the contracting parties, being single, above eighteen or less than twenty one years of age as regards the male and female, they shall exhibit to the Local Civil Registrar concerned the consent of their marriage of their father, mother, or guardian, or person having legal charge of them, in the order mentioned. Such consent, shall be in writing, under oath taken with the appearance of the interested parties before the Local Civil Registrar concerned of in the form of an affidavit made in the presence of two witnesses and attested before any official authorized by the law to administer oaths. Family Code of the Philippines (E.O. 209, Article 14). For the purpose of the Marriage Law, by guardian is meant a guardian legally appointed by will or by competent court for the person, or both the person and estate, of a minor. By person having legal charge is meant a person actually in lawful charge of a minor who has no father nor mother, nor legal guardian" and this

    Letter of consent



    Dear sir madam,

    I _______________________ do hereby state that i am legaly able and willing to merry ___________________ and intent to do so within 90 days of my arrival into united states.

    Yours truly

    Printed name/sign.

    What do you think is the best letter of intent? Can u help me on this btw im planning to do my cfo next week and my fiance already have our tickets my flight is on 21 kindly help

    Thank you in advance happy new year and GodBless us all=)

  2. Hi fellow vjers

    My fiance and i are planning to do my medical exam on the 27th of nov. and i im preparing all the paper's i need to do the exam...i have here my

    1.bio page of my passport.

    2.online registration for us visa(St.Luke's Medical Center)

    3.appointment confirmation

    and also had an x-ray last july 2013 do i need to bring it with me? and im still waiting for nvc letter with the case number for my fiance to email me. is there something that i forget? can u tell me ?thank you in advance and have a great day and good night.

  3. Hi vjers

    just wanna ask something regarding with NBI.ok my question is,i have a personal copy of my nbi and is it good to just photo copy it and submit it to us embassy or i need to get another one? pls help thank you in advance.

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