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Posts posted by figh4lov3

  1. my petiton was accepted last October.

    -I had the photos printed out at a photo place.

    -I went to local printshop and then color-copied each individual photo into an 8x12 paper, centering the photo in the middle of each sheet.

    -I wrote the place it was taken, event and time on the top.

    -I wrote the people in the picture for the bottom.

    I only submitted 6 pictures.

  2. Hi everyone,

    My first topic here. It's a pleasure being a part of this online community. I've had a great deal of help from this site along with the supporters and fellow visa petitioners.

    My Case went NOA2 October 27, 2013. I received the hardcopy Nov. 2, 2013. My case was transferred to the Manila Embassy Nov. 29, 2013.

    I'm using the California service center.

    I called the NVC several times after 10 days had passed as instructed by this site. I called today and learned that they shipped my cased to the Manila Embassy Last Friday. I should also be receiving the hardcopy by mail anytime soon.

    Thanks again to this site and everyone contributing to it. Me and my Fiance appreciate it much! Good luck guys.

  3. I've just recently filed a 129f petition and had it accepted. I can safely answer the 2nd question. Yes, you ship it to the dallas lockbox facility. Once it is accepted over there, it is shipped to the service center closest to your location in the states. In my case for example, it was sent to California service center. As I'm from here.

    Good luck on your journey :D

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