Well we have received the K1 on April 23rd,2008 ,but due to a HUGE mistake that United Airlines made (they cancelled my tickets instead of rescheduling them) and a lot of family related problems ,we never did use the Visa.I sent all papers back to Frankfurt just before the Visa expired and asked the Consulate to keep the case open if at all possible.And they actually gave us time until 04/21/2009 to apply for a new Visa for me and my son.So I went to see my man in December and we finally worked things out (after not having seen each other for 15 months!) and faxed all documents to Frankfurt.Due to my sons birthday on Feb 4th,they even expedited our case and gave us a requested Interview Date for the 21st of January.Now we are hoping to get the Visa real soon and FINALLY go home and get married on Valentines Day.........