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The Khans

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  • Immigration Status
    IR-1/CR-1 Visa
  • Place benefits filed at
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    Dallas TX
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  • Our Story
    We met in August 2010 because of a song that I had composed and posted online at Facebook.com for public feedback.

    Lady Love decided to voice her opinion (as she always does :P ) on how I could improve the lyrics of the song. Soon, we became friends on Facebook and started sharing interests, opinions and life events with each other.

    In this process of bonding, somewhere around March in 2011, a year after we met, we became lovers. Our relationship grew steadily. As we understood each other deeper, we began to form a connection, to the point, where it was hard to not talk to each other multiple times a day. It became too much to bear being apart. I asked my parents for suggestions and they advised me to consider meeting Lady Love to make sure that our online perception of each other was in sync with reality.

    We finally met in person in Islamabad, Pakistan in June, 2013, almost 3 years after our first online encounter, and found out that we were more compatible in real life than we initially thought. My parents and siblings took a liking to her too. A day before our wedding, she reaffirmed her belief in Islam before officials from the Dawah Academy of International Islamic University Islamabad, the Faisal Mosque clergy and members of staff. Finally after almost a week of her arrival and living with my family, my parents, at last, gave us their blessings.

    We got married at Faisal Mosque (the largest mosque in South Asia) in Islamabad, Pakistan in front of a gathering of several hundred people including, family, friends, clergy, the officials from Dawah Academy of International Islamic University and other Muslim brothers and sisters.

    Then started the week and half long ordeal of registering the marriage with the Pakistan Government, who, I must say were very helping throughout the process but still made us make several trips to Local Government Offices in Islamabad, which, if they had spared us, could've been used for better things.

    And thus our life as One Soul but two bodies began and we are relishing every moment of it, although, I must say, actually being able to live under the same roof without the fear of the Visa Monster would be a big plus.

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