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Erica & L

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About Erica & L

  • Birthday 10/16/1991

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  • Immigration Status
    Removing Conditions (approved)
  • Place benefits filed at
    Vermont Service Center
  • Local Office
    Seattle WA
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  1. Correct, for peace of mind more than anything else... so I guess an ROI is the only way to do that.
  2. Right, which I did sign the 1-407 with an officer at the land border, went through a questioning process and they took the physical green card, so my assumption should be this was all processed and determined that I was giving up my status in 2018?
  3. That's true, which obviously he let me through and so did the previous officer (just without all the questioning) so surely my information that I provided and file should have matched up or I imagine he would have escalated it further?
  4. Fair, but would proof that I have built my life back here over the last 6 years, including paying taxes, obtaining MSP, owned a home/property and remarried a Canadian citizen not render the LPR status invalid regardless?
  5. Email for sure, they kept my previous laptop so I have no record of those things anymore sadly. I feel like it ultimately will be fine I just didn't plan for this trip and so of course I feel a little anxious, especially since I put being able to travel so far out of my mind the last few years and didn't really think much into it since they still let me in. I know it's their job to be critical and put you on the spot to make sure you provide solid information and answers, but from what I remember it was just hard to read him and the way he was asking questions made it seem like he couldn't see the information on his end, but maybe that was just my interpretation. I feel like surely there is no way they don't have records from my 2018 entry into the US? Especially being pulled into secondary. Do you think it would be helpful for me to bring my divorce documents? To prove this relationship is fully dissolved and therefore the GC would no longer be valid anyways? Email for sure, they kept my previous laptop so I have no record of those things anymore sadly. I feel like it ultimately will be fine I just didn't plan for this trip and so of course I feel a little anxious, especially since I put being able to travel so far out of my mind the last few years and didn't really think much into it since they still let me in. I know it's their job to be critical and put you on the spot to make sure you provide solid information and answers, but from what I remember it was just hard to read him and the way he was asking questions made it seem like he couldn't see the information on his end, but maybe that was just my interpretation. I feel like surely there is no way they don't have records from my 2018 entry into the US? Especially being pulled into secondary. Do you think it would be helpful for me to bring my divorce documents? To prove this relationship is fully dissolved and therefore the GC would no longer be valid anyways?
  6. I don't know if I still have my alien # or my USCIS account number anywhere... unfortunately things did not end well in my relationship and I left abruptly with only my clothes and cats. My documents all stayed with my ex partner. Maybe I can try calling the USCIS. Thanks!
  7. I have had some medical issues and didn't anticipate being able to travel for the forseeable futue, but this was a surprise trip now that I've made some improvements. Also being that I was able to travel over the land border fine in 2022, I didn't know if I just lucked out and got an officer who was more of a hard-### than the time before and it was a one off experience versus an actual issue. I will look into an FOI request regardless, thank you.
  8. Hi everyone, I was a frequent poster in this forum 10 years ago when myself and my now ex partner were going through this process. Unfortunately our relationship ended in 2018. I apologize if there is another thread on this but I'm having trouble navigating this site now... it all looks so different! In October 2018 my relationship ended and I moved back to Canada. In late November/early December 2018 my friends and I went for a day trip through Peace Arch Land Border (Vancouver) where I was pulled into secondary for not presenting my Green Card with my Canadian passport at entry. I honestly didn't realize I had to do this if I was using my Canadian passport as idenification. I let them know I just hadn't had a chance to mail the Green Card back with the appropriate forms and they offered to do that there for me. The whole process was about an hour of me signing paperwork and answering questions at a counter, no private interview although I suspected it was all still filmed. I don't recall ever getting any type of receipt and just assumed if applicable it would be mailed to me when I gave them my updated address. In summer 2022 I crossed the land border without issue, but in January 2023 when travelling by air to Florida I was given a pretty difficult time by one of the officers, it almost seemed like he couldn't find proper records of me giving up my Green Card back in 2018. I really didn't think he would let me through but he did. I'm going again to Florida in January and I'm paranoid it will be a similar interaction. I got formally divorced at the end of 2022 and I have remarried to a Canadian Citizen in September of this year. Should I bring any of that documentation with me? Is there someone I can contact directly to get a receipt of some kind from 2018? Thank you! Erica
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