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Sandra G.

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    Sandra G. got a reaction from Cartdeb for a status update, How are you? Please let me know when you receive your receipt ok.99% of my clientes t   
    How are you?
    Please let me know when you receive your receipt ok.99% of my clientes that I submitted the waiver that never took more than 20 days to receive the receipt, but I have 2 cases pending since April and one of them the person paid the fees.
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    Sandra G. got a reaction from Boiler for a status update, I believe you were scammed big time.He is waiting to get the 10 years green card caus   
    I believe you were scammed big time.He is waiting to get the 10 years green card cause when someone is married over 2 years gets the green card for 10 years and once it completes 2 years he will enter in the U.S with a permanent green card and never more you will see him.I saw this happening many times.
    I am an attorney.
    divorce this scumbag and move on.
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