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Igorok i Marynka

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    K-1 Visa
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  • Our Story
    Igorok and I met at a mutual friends' wedding July 14th, 2012 in Ukraine!!!! We had the most amazing next few days and we decided then and there to never part.... that is why I packed my bags and we literally called a taxi and ran away to his hometown together!!!! I was on vacation there at the time, so I had to leave in about a month. He took me to the airport and I could not feel any breath inside me as my plane took off. I absolutely had to see him. Next plane, another plane, I was a mess. I reached New York and literally lived for at least a phone call from a pay phone to my angel.... I already knew at that time that I needed to be with him always; and I knew or felt of nothing else. A month later, I moved to Ukraine!!!! I spent the entire year with my Igorok and it was the most amazing.... And now, we are getting him the K-1 visa!!!! He will be moving here to me and we couldn't be more happy to fall into one anothers' arms again!!!!

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