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Kari AnnaMae

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Immigration Info

  • Immigration Status
    IR-1/CR-1 Visa
  • Place benefits filed at
    Vermont Service Center
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  • Our Story
    My husband, Chaz, and I met online when I was studying Spanish. He helped me out and we began to Skype every day and he would help me with my homework. We were flirty flirty but no intentions of anything serious at that time. My youth group went on a missions trip to Peru so on our free day, Chaz met with me in one of the souvenir markets. The first time we saw each other! He tells me now that he really wanted to kiss me, but my sister was there. Oh well. I then decided to study abroad in Lima and my university was only a few blocks from his house! I had to find the trip on my own and didn't have that much money so his parents decided to let me stay with their family. Well, you can only guess what happened. We were in love from the beginning! He showed me around and we did everything together when I wasn't at school and he wasn't at work. He helped me through missing home and we made a lot of decisions together but it was always clear that we wanted to spend the rest of our lives together. I had a few weeks that I was in Lima after the semester ended and we were getting antsy. How are we supposed to stay in a relationship if we have no idea when we will see each other again? I could just fly back and forth whenever we had the time and money? That seemed like torture and since we were sure we wanted to get married, we decided to do it sooner than later. I wanted him to be in the U.S. with me as soon as possible so we got married on December 20, 2013! It was a small party in Lima after the civil ceremony, but my parents were able to go. Now we are waiting for the CR1 visa.

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