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Posts posted by miles11

  1. Hi All,

    Quick back story. I am a dual U.S/Canada citizen, my wife is Canadian. We just found out we are pregnant! Yay! We are due in November and recently I got a promotion at my Canadian work (I work in Canada but live in U.S.).

    We decided we may want to just buy a house in Canada and raise our first born here (due to time constraints, both having jobs in Canada, etc).

    We are at the NVC stage. What happens to our Visa? Do we stay in contact with NVC once a year? If we do that, how long because they close our file?

    What would be the earliest we could reapply if our situation changes and we want to move to the U.S?

    Any links or info you can give or point me to would be great. I have tried looking but can't find much.


  2. Hi All,

    RFE question for you all.

    I submitted our church marriage certificate instead of our Canadian province marriage certificate. So we got an RFE. I turned it around the same day and sent it back (Friday). We got notice last night that CSC received our RFE response and that we would have notification within 60 days of their decision.

    What kind of turn around should we expect? I know some people were getting approvals in 10 days or so, and I know this probably pushed us back some, just wondering if anyone has any input on this! Thank you very much!

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