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Posts posted by Steven.Plant

  1. I had HIGH hopes for the K-3 when our lawyer adivsed us to file it in OCT. It has been merged with our I-130 and it was transferred with the I-130 to the TSC on Nov 27th.

    Haven't had any word on anything since the transfer EXCEPT I received an approval on Nov 26th for the petition I withdrew back in 2009. Go figure. headbonk.gif

    But I guess they had to send the approval so they could revoke it. Not sure why its even coming into play since it was withdrawn back in 2009. Last dates on our status are Dec 3rd for the I-130 and Dec 2nd for the K-3 which I am assuming is when our files were actually received by the TSC. I wonder if my file is sitting on someones desk since somebody sent out the paperwork for the old petition.

    This week has been very hard for me. The immigration process is wearing on me pretty bad.

    AS far as our translations.... I had a professional translating company do our translations. I hope itis enough. His birth cert if pretty old. Its the original. That is the only thing I am worried about. It was hard to get a good copy for the package. I had to make a color copy because the original is yellow. The color copy showed up better than the black and white.

    Crossing my fingers and toes that somebody picks up our file tomorrow morning ...blink.png

    I think your very close. Your transfer is just less than 10 days after our transfer to TSC. Its almost that long for us since the RFE so yes any time now. Add a few days for turkey day and xmas.

    Have you read anything about how long the NVC is taking now? I keep thinking its 4-5 months for this final step. but I also think they are delayed with the back up too. Just asking what you think since I know you look every where.

  2. I have a question I am a may file I file my I 130 in may but in August I send in a i129f. Do u think that they processing i129f at a five period r those r backed too

    Although we have an RFE now, USCIS did start Processing our I-130 in 5.5 months after the NOA2 for the I-129f. I am still not sure but I think the I-129F is linked to the I-130 and pulls it along to the 5 month goal. Our I-130's are being processed in 7.5 months since I did not know about the K3 for 2 months we filed the I-129f 2 months later. We're not sure how this is going for the other K3 filers just this is what is happening for us. We had Two I-130's and the I-129f transferred to TSC on Nov 19th. RFE for the stepson's I-130 on Dec 19th. No change of status on the I-129f or her I-130 so far.

    RFE is for better English Translations of 3 different Certs that were made before in China. The RFE is a good guide for what the USCIS really needs. So I think it is just a mater of giving a copy of the RFE to the Translator so the new English documents look right.

  3. I got a RFE just a few minutes ago. My petition was transferred to the TSC back in November.

    I hope it's something quick and easy. I hope the rest of you have better luck smile.png

    Same thing for me. transferred on 11-18 to TSC and a RFE on 12-18. I have 2 of the I-130's and a I-129f. So far just the one notice of an RFE on the stepsons petition. Anyone else have multiple petitions with an RFE on only one?

  4. So, I decided to check my status on the USCIS wedsite last night. I was not able to log in. Apparently my password was reset by someone. Its only been a couple weeks since I logged in. So this morning I changed my password AGAIN and checked my status. It used to have NOV 27th as the last touch but when I looked this morning, it said Dec 3rd for my I-130 and Dec 2nd for my K-3. I'm not getting too excited because it was probably just someone scanning us in at the TSC since we were transferred on Nov 27th. I just thought it was weird that I couldn't log in. This happens to me alot. Does anyone else have this problem and how often have you had to change your password? if at all?

    Good Luck to the filers who are still not APPROVED. THANKS USCIS for making our Christmas a happy one !!

    I have had that sign on problem also. But no messages like your Dec 3rd and 4th. I hope it means something is coming soon for you. I don't want to get your hopes up too much but I think maybe your files are in the pile on someone's desk right now. I hope so

  5. You just raised my eyebrows... you mean there is life in Texas? I was feeling pretty shitty until I read this post

    RFE's suck but at least you know someone touched your file and when you send back what they want, your approval is right around the corner.

    hold tight, this could be your time..... are you at the TSC?

    Well LoveMytico you did raise my hopes a lot. Yes TSC it is. I was hoping for a NOA2 but maybe it is good news that they are working on our petition.

    So thank you for that.

    Strange that I only see a RFE coming out for my stepson so far but it has not been 24 hrs yet.

  6. So now we have an RFE for one of our I-130's showing up online. It is for my Stepson's application. Nothing showing yet for the Wife's I-130 or the I-129f. But maybe those will change later. The petitions were transferred to TSC on 11-18 the PD date is 4-22. I think I have read on this thread that it takes 7-10 days to get the hard copy with the information on what they want? Anyone have a feel for this? I think I know the answers just sometimes a person needs to talk about this. So I hope don't upset anyone asking question that have been answered.

  7. Alot of delays with Air China Flyts. The pilots can make up most of time in the air. So it works out to departing later but arriving almost on time. I have had 2 unexpected layovers at PEK one 6 hours and one 26 hours. Winter time bad weather for the long one. So i would have a carry on with the right stuff to spend a night handy. You should be ok, But I go thru Hong Kong now.

  8. Costa Rican food is not hot... HaHa and really, Turkey is an American thing. Thanksgiving is an American Holiday. My in-laws don't know it yet but I am cooking for them. I would say not many people have Ovens over there so When I get there Thanksgiving day we have to stop at the Walmart and pick up a precooked bird. I have a suitcase full of American traditions that I know I can't get over there at the Pali or MegaSuper... LOL

    The food in china is so hot i can't believe it. My wife can eat the hottes red pepper like candy. So I think my thanksgiving dinners will be hot when she gets here. Her mom likes to cook for me when I'm there. Its a totaly different way of cooking and eating. I dont think I could get the fixings for a turkey dinner in her city and I'm not sure they would like it.

  9. I copied this from another thread. Not sure if any of you saw it too...........

    I received an update from the AILA lawyer about the October 31 meeting. There's nothing really new or exciting, and I'm guessing when the official Q&A is posted to uscis.gov, there won't be any game changers there either.

    "As you mentioned the NBC is now routing new stand-alone Forms I-130 to the Nebraska, Texas, and California Service Centers based upon the capacity of the Service Center and not the address of the petitioner. NBC stopped sending stand-alone Forms I-130 to USCIS Field Offices for adjudication in March 2013 and have since been holding them at the NBC. The NBC will also send backlogged stand alone I-130s to the service centers starting with the longest pending cases. Cases that are transferred should receive a transfer notice. The goal is for I-130s to be adjudicated in 5 months but the actual processing time right now is much longer – they are working on cases received on 10/1/2012. Note, however, that all of the service centers are now reporting processing times for immediate relative I-130s so at least we will be able to track USCIS progress on these cases whereas before we had no clue what was going on."

  10. OK, I'll say it...... go somewhere else and brag.

    and back to the TOPIC of this thread... "what is wrong with the USCIS?"

    They approve K-1s faster than Married couples.. I think... hmmmmm there should be a 6 month waiting period for UNMARRIED couples... as to see if they are in a "fly by night" relationship... What do you think fellow I-130 filers?

    No, i dont want to slow anyone down. I'm happy for anyone that gets approved.

    I just think the USCIS could do alot better in this day and age of the internet and scaned files. Letting things slow down this much is not what good managers do. Not over and over at least.

    Heartless that the K3's dont process as fast as the K1 are lately. Thats not a luck of the draw, volume based problem.

    I think we should be careful to not fight each other (meaning the CR1/IR1 vs the K1 or F2a,s). Like horses bitting each other in a burning barn.

    What we all need is more people working at USCIS getting the work done in a timely manner for everyone.

  11. Six yesterday so far. 50% are not transfered. We need 10-15 per day, maybe this week. Considering the transport time I think they are getting right on them. .

    So what about us April filers then hmmmm.... no transfers here are there? (Not that anyone's noted.) So we are all still sat in the black hole that is NBC. Steven Plant - Hope that truck you predict is pulling up there this morning....

  12. I have studied this somemore, the transfers I mean. First let me say that this is just what I think and subject to input from others. I did a search for who contracts to do work for the USCIS.

    Now I think that the files are moved a truck load at a time from some warehouse out to the NBC and service centers. At the rate of a truck a week. Maybe 3 trucks to three service centers per week, something like that. There is a contractor (FCI Federal) that sorts and handles the files and packs them on pallets for the truck drivers to load and then they seal the truck and send it on. The Boxes of Files are sorted with Bar Code Readers before being shipped and again each time they are redirected or sorted.

    I think it could be that they are shipping 3 weeks worth a week now.

    For a long time i thought the USCIS web site was broken, now i see that the USCIS really was just not working on the I-130's for the CR1/IR1's. Now maybe every service center will be.

    Sad fact is i know my file is still sitting in that warehouse, never touched yet.

  13. It isn't a secret. And k3s are no longer issued because the timeline for the cr1 is not years and years like it used to be, the timeline is the same. The k3 was used when it took years for the cr1 to be issued, now it only takes months. Before stirring the pot, know the facts.

    Wow, Stirring the pot? No just asking for a K3, that should be an option for us but is not. K3's are set up to process in 30 days. I see your timeline (got thru to interview in 220 days) so I can understand why you would think this is a matter of months for everyone. But alot of us are now waiting 11 months (or more) just for a NOA2 on the I-130. Then the NVC which is slowing down alot now. But then again, you sound like you got it all figured out so tell me how long is it taking for a CR1-IR-1 today?

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