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Posts posted by haulinda

  1. Chris & Trinh,

    I got my visa exemption before we got married and we hadn't received for Vietnamese Marriage Certificate yet. Do you think I will have a lot of problems staying since we don't have the marriage certificate yet? After we received the marriage certificate do you think I should reapply for a new visa exemption? Thank you again for your help.

  2. Sorry, I meant it was the first time I received a stamp to stay beyond my first 90 days. I am afraid that there is a limited on how many times I will be able to get the new stamp before having to leave the country. Have you been able to stay continuously or did you have to go on "holiday" and come back? Thanks again.

  3. Chris & Trinh,

    Thank you so much for your offer of help and advice. It is very appreciated. I was wondering if you guys are doing all the paperwork yourself or did you guys hire out to help. Another question is are you using a visa exemption to stay in country. I currently have a visa exemption, but has only extended it once. I am not sure how many times I will be able to extend it before I have to leave the country. Any help and advice is very appreciated. Thank you so much.

  4. Chris & Trinh,

    You indicated that you have been living in Vietnam for the last 4 years and is in the process of filing an I-130. Are you waiting for all the paperwork to be done and then you and your wife will go to the US together. I ask because that is something I am trying to do and would like to know if you can do all the paperwork and stay in Vietnam with the spouse while doing it. I would like to stay here and wait with the spouse until everything is done and go together to the US if possible. Thank you in advance for your help.

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