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Maria and Mike

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About Maria and Mike

  • Birthday 09/12/1987

Profile Information

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  • Interests
    Psychology, dining, cooking, whiskey and wine, film, books, Sign language, traveling.

Immigration Info

  • Immigration Status
    K-1 Visa
  • Place benefits filed at
  • Local Office
    Boston MA
  • Country
  • Our Story
    Mike and I have been together for 4 years. (Yeaaa :)) We met while I was working during my 18 month J1 visa in Massachusetts. He was born and raised in Worcester, MA, I in Belfast, Ireland. Our relationship instantly felt as close to perfect as I imagine anything truly can. We rented an apartment together for the remainder of my J1 before I returned home to begin a Masters in Applied Psychology. (Graduated!! woopwoop) There was never any question of weather or not we should continue a long distance relationship. While the past few years have proven tremendously difficult being apart, we never want to imagine not having each other. We had been doing the back and forth visits until Sept 2013 when Mike proposed (he liked it so he put a ring on it) and we have just began the daunting K1 application process. We are both determined to get through this chapter so that we can begin a long life together and start a family. We have joined Visa Journey in hopes of peer support and better understanding gained through the experience of others. We hope to gain from this experience and aim to contribute anything we can to helping other couples in similar situations :))

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