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    RobandDonna got a reaction from RichieMMA in this process sucks   
    How can a June get approved, this process is really bullshit, where's the order? Is it because they take K1s without K2s attached to them? So since my fiancee has kids we get looked over. Bullshit I wanna get her boys in school here when it starts and we as march filers are just being looked over and more and more aprils being approved. My girl won't wanna come here cause ill be in the nut house by the time they get to us. I don't wanna hear good luck anymore I wanna hear congrats.. sorry but I'm very mad at this process, I paid my money just like everyone else and they need to go in order.
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    RobandDonna got a reaction from India23 in ANY VERMONT APPROVALS TODAY?!!!????!   
    Maybe they pick files out of a big friggen hat, maybe I should have made our packet sticky so when they reach in it would stick to there hand. Haha. Hang in there and congrats to the lucky ones
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