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    San Diego
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Immigration Info

  • Immigration Status
    K-1 Visa
  • Place benefits filed at
    California Service Center
  • Country
  • Our Story
    I am Brazilian, living in London. I went to Barcelona for 3 days in june 2012, on my last day we met. He was visiting Europe. We walked around Barcelona and I end up inviting Brandon to come to London before he returns to US. He came for 3 days and that`s when everything started. After he left, we were skyping everyday, so I end buying a ticket to America, so I went to visit him in September for 13 days, 2 weeks after he was here in London enjoying our winter. He spent 3 months in London with me. After this period we were sure that we wanted to be together. He proposed me on new year`s eve. It was beautiful. Beginning of January he left. Came back in march for only 9 days, but it was better than nothing for sure. He met my mom, we went for 5 days to Lisbon. And now in june he will be back for 2 months! Can`t wait! I am counting the days that we won`t need to say goodbye anymore. It hurts dream about how our happy lives will be when we get together when we don`t know when we`ll be living our dreams. :(
    I`ll be going back to Brasil end of October and hopefully we`ll be accepted this time (we were denied when we first file the process because we didn`t send enough documents, only the form and payment. DON`T DO THIS! FOLLOW VJ CHECKLIST)
    This time we sent loooooads of papers and docs, hopefully everything will be alright and now I want to go through the process in Brasil.

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