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Everything posted by SusieQQQ

  1. I pop back in to see what’s going on in forumland and find the same kind of annoying posts that made me leave in the first place. Why do you come into this diversity visa thread to try confuse the issue? People here know what EU means in this context. It is beneficial to understand official US abbreviations for the different regions for DV. Below is from the official FAM link. https://fam.state.gov/fam/09FAM/09FAM050206.html I suppose next you’ll come on here to say “everyone knows SA is Saudi Arabia” or “OC is Orange County” or “AS is American Samoa” or some such BS for no other reason than to cause confusion on the net. The selected entries for each region will have a rank order number consisting of two letters followed by eight digits, i.e., AF00000925. Within each region, the first entry randomly selected will have a rank order number 00000001, the second entry selected will be 00000002, etc. The letter codes are: AF Africa AS Asia OC Oceania EU Europe NA North America SA South America, Central America, and the Caribbean
  2. Why would it take weeks? I’m amazed at how much paperwork you seem to have had. What “pile of stuff” are you talking about, exactly? In addition to originals of the few things that were uploaded as requested by the system, I brought my tax transcripts and passports. That’s it. What else is needed? Hardly a pile of stuff and hardly taking any time to go through. Are you maybe talking about a case based on 3 year rule where you have to prove a zillion things about marital union? Doesn’t apply to OP. I know people who have gone same employment route as OP who haven’t uploaded anything in advance and been approved same day. Simple letter from employer in addition to the stuff I mentioned. So yes let me amend what I said and point out that if you expect to arrive with a “pile of stuff” at the interview that might take the IO ages to go through, you should upload in advance and hope that your IO finds time to look at it in before the interview. For straightforward non 3 year rule cases I honestly can’t imagine why you’d need that much paperwork that the IO would be unable to spend 5 minutes looking at in the interview.
  3. If mother doesn’t want to be “brought over” then visa discussion is pointless anyway.
  4. This sounds more like a family decision issue than a visa issue. Your MIL clearly does not want to uproot her life to come and look after the newborn and that’s her prerogative. You don’t want your wife and son to go for an indeterminate amount of time to Vietnam - also a completely understandable position. Maybe your option is to hire a nanny full or part time to help for a bit if you need extra help with the new baby and want everyone to stay in the US. Btw: if the baby is born either to a USC (you or your wife) who can pass on citizenship or to a lpr who brings him/her back on their first return to US before the baby turns 2, no there is no hassle bringing the baby back.
  5. You wouldn’t get an RFE for not submitting them, because they are not a required document to be provided with the application. I honestly don’t think it makes a difference other than increasing the amount of what will eventually be outdated stuff. You’ll be updating other stuff in the interview anyway, things like further trips abroad, maybe job changes etc, it’s not like they ever expect a 100% perfectly up to date application before you walk in the door. By the way even if you do upload in advance, you should always have originals with you at the interview anyway. It’s not reducing what you physically bring with.
  6. I think you missed the point. I didn’t say don’t have the evidence, I just said it doesn’t need to be uploaded in advance. Absolutely bring everything to the interview. I’ve never before heard of anyone continually uploading evidence as you seem to have done, but whatever makes you comfortable. My officer went through everything with me and that would have happened regardless uploading in advance or not as she did the same with the few documents already uploaded. Honestly, if there’s no complications in your case then all the evidence is straightforward and there’s no reason to expect complications. But sure if someone is particularly anxious and wants every possible base covered in advance then maybe uploading continuous new evidence the whole time is the way to do it. Whatever makes you happy.
  7. Usually it is up to the applicant to ensure that the “list” has everyone relevant when they make the appointment. You said there was an appointment made for your son in law - - so I have no idea what list they are talking about or where they get it. As already pointed out no one would have seen an email yet given the 11/11 US federal holiday, but if you want a quick response, a phone call is always going to be a better option than email.
  8. I don’t agree this is necessary, especially as if it takes a year between application and interview like it did for me then you just need to re-compile all that evidence anyway. I mean, feel free to o more work if you want but myself, my husband and my one kid who turned 18 all submitted the bare minimum asked with the application and all got approved on the day of interview. Made same suggestion to 2 couple I know and all 4 of the people also got approved on the day. i would be very surprised if they look at any of the stuff before the interview.
  9. For the actual application, yes that’s all you need. I also had to submit marriage certificate and kids birth certificates, but if you’re single/not a parent you don’t need those. You’ll want to take the tax transcripts to the interview. They may or may not look at them. They looked at mine, but not my husbands and not most people I know who did n400.
  10. No way of us knowing if it’s enough evidence. If it isn’t, you’ll get an RFE. The cost is the cost, there is no family discount for USCIS. Given the scarcity of evidence you may decide to file one to see if it’s successful/if there is an RFE and if so if you can get what they want, then see if it’s worth filing for the others.
  11. No, we did not file state taxes one year as we were not present long enough/ earning enough in our first year as LPRs to do so. I did however happen to get a letter from the state tax authority confirming we did not need to file that year (well, as much as they would - “based on the information you have provided, ….” ) and included it in my n400 application. (I kind of got that by accident from correspondence arising from the state wanting to know why we didn’t file that year.)
  12. Also suggest you carefully read the instructions for the i864. https://www.uscis.gov/sites/default/files/document/forms/i-864instr.pdf
  13. Well give them a chance to respond, most embassies take a few days to respond to email. She should probably try call them too.
  14. You need one more certificate, the marriage certificate between the parent and stepparent. It’s hardly onerous.
  15. Well, did she contact the embassy like they said?
  16. It’s fine, she should have proof of reasons to return home. Bear in mind though that while entry is usually granted for 6 months, sometimes it’s shorter so I’d suggest an air ticket that doesn’t have large change fees in case she only gets 3 months.
  17. No, you just need to ensure the uscis immigrant fee (also called green card fee) is paid after the visa is issued.
  18. Then you’re fine to enter the lottery. I think it closes soon, don’t wait till the last day.
  19. It’s a parental relationship, the evidence is the birth certificate.
  20. I presume you mean your husband was on a tourist visa, not the stepson. safest route is for you to file ir2 petition- your husband can file for F2A son of LPR but those petitions have lower priority and there is a risk that the priroty dates retrogress at some stage which will make it even longer. If you do it this way, probably 10-12 months uscis processing times (this shows at most uscis service centers but one is 16 months), 2-3 months NVC processing time, plus however long it takes to get in the interview queue at CDJ. Unlikely to be looking at less than 2 years till he gets a visa.
  21. You’re absolutely sure the plane took off by 11:59pm on the 22nd?
  22. Unless OP was born in an eligible country - not clear just from the flag on profile. Current citizenship isn’t relevant.
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