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Posts posted by lela357

  1. So my husband and I just got married. I need some clarification plz. He has received his SS card in the mail and I was under the impression that when he received that he could start work?! reading about this I-485 is says you can apply for a work permit until this is complete? what??? how long does this usually take? also if we plan on traveling back to visit soon. how does that work? can we or do we have to wait or apply for some other form? Thanks a lot .

  2. we were approved AUG 30th and are still waiting on my fiancés passport.. they have no rhyme or reason. its hard keep your faith and be blessed.. we have our wedding planed for Fed 1st if we don't hear with in 2 more weeks I have to change the date and that means change everything ..you can imagine how im freaking out inside.. but I stay calm cause its in Gods hands.. hang in there.. soon come!

  3. Ok so my fiancé was approved at the Kingston embassy on AUG. 30th. Today is 90 days of waiting for them to process the last papers they requested. Who do we contact to get this thing rolling? We have our wedding date for Fed 1st. a lot is riding on this getting complete. Does anyone have a template on what to send to a senate member?! Any help would be much appreciated. Thank You.

  4. We were approved on Aug. 30th at the Kingston embassy!!! Soooo blessed! But they requested my tax return so I sent it in that day and today Sept 9th received an email stating they need my fiancés birth certificate and to provide the number they can get a hold of him at.. His birth certificate is soooooooooo there. GRRRRR. I'm being patient and know everything has went smooth thus far so I cant complain. Any advice on what I should do now?! I emailed them right away today with my fiancés contact info.

    Thanks Guys!!!

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