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Posts posted by PAMELAXIU

  1. Update from the trenches:

    "On January 29, 2014, your name was updated relating to your I130, IMMIGRANT PETITION FOR RELATIVE, FIANCE(E), OR ORPHAN. Please check our website at www.uscis.gov for further updates on your case. Please wait until the end of normal processing time before calling customer service at 1-800-375-5283 for live assistance."

    Thoughts? It's a little different than the normal number changes that it seems like most people get before their approvals/RFE's. Anyone else gotten this before? I'm taking the change to at least mean somebody touched or looked/looking at our documents.


    I got that Same message on Monday and then I was approved the next day, good luck, I think this mean your approval is near.

  2. Just curious....

    Are you assuming every person who doesn't have a SS # files for a ITIN #? If I had money to bet, I'd bet it is probably something like .5% who actually do.

    I'm not assuming anything I just share information about something I know, but you are the one assuming the all undocumented people have hundreds of kids and don't pay taxes and that is not true.

    But I am really tired of reading about all the insults you give to people without documents, I was here to share experiences with other people in MY situation waiting for NOA2 not to trash others persons.

  3. Actually they do pay taxes, IRS assign something call ITIN number so they can use it instead of SSN to pay taxes, I worked for a tax agency and I filled a lot of taxes for people without SSN.

    You all are so funny when it comes to illegals and reading online or watching news about it.. I'm in the south and illegals are becoming a way of life because of the lack of enforcement with laws.. Do not believe everything you read because "studies" or "news" are not accurate..

    1. Young illegals brought here or born here.. The whole family is still here and the whole family is illegal

    2. Marry just for visa.. Yes it's true in many cases

    3. Illegals pay taxes.. This is far from true on most accounts because none will pay taxes because it is the same as telling the government your illegal.. BUT with some jobs that require SSN then shared IDs are used so a minimum amount of taxes are payed in this case.. They usually file exempt while paying SS tax, Medicare, ect but not federal or state..

    4. The illegal immigrant laws are not enforced and when they are enforced by each state in deporting illegal immigrants or trying to include things like biometrics for employment the federal government claims it is "unconstitutional" so there is very minimal consequences

    So to be here illegal is not perfect but it is not very difficult.. And there should not be a double standard and laws should be enforced to the fullest.. If a person breaks into my house (young, hungry, old, poor, or rich) I expect them to go to jail.. No double standard!!

  4. Yes I totally understand, I also know some people that I am pretty sure they just married for the papers and she don't leave the USA nor anything, I am mad too because this process is not a free service, I paid a lot of money and to have to wait this long it is crazy.

    IMO, it doesn't matter the reason for being undocumented. If you are in the US with your family and illegal and I am a USC and I have to file papers and WAIT... that to me is not fair. and waiting isn't an issue if it is a reasonable amount of time.... I don't hate them, I know several in my neighborhood.... Its just not fair. My husband was here on a B2, he had an overstay and returned home ( on his own) for serious family matters. He did not enter the US undocumented. I will say though, I know undocumented people and overstays who married only for a greencard and are now residents.... They never had to leave the US and were never questioned . That is not fair either since my husband can't even come here and wait for his papers to be processed. They never got separated from their families. They just filed the papers and waited and while they were waiting, they were issued an employment authorization so they could work . UGHH so irritating

  5. I understand that you are on a bad mood today, the waiting is terrible, 8 years ago when I made a petition for my daughter, that was a toddler at the time, I had to wait for the I130 to be approved for 4 years, I suffered a lot with the process and now i have to wait for my husband form to be approve too,but we conquer and are happy and together now.

    What I can't understand is that I come to this place to shared immigration experiences, that way we can all help each other while waiting, but every time I read something is made me sad that people gets mad and start hating on undocumented persons, I thought your husband needs a waiver, and you said he was here without documents once, I am really sure he had a good reason for that to happend, I don't know the reason for his overstay visa, but I don't judge him nor any other person that is here without documents because I don't know the situation behind every person. We have to put our positive thoughts on this process and let out the bad energy. I hope this don't offend you that is not my intention and sorry if i did but I just want to come here and don't have to read all this hate.


    Yea, I'm in a pissed off mood today. I just don't understand how the United States of America can treat their citizens like #######. They talk about keeping families together but yet they do NOTHING to fix this problem. I hear stupid ####### about processing is supposed to pick up at the end of September..... Really? don't you think they should be processing all along? what are they waiting for? They already collected our fee.... If 3000 files come in everyday and they collect $400+ dollars for each, don't you think they have enough in their budget to get these files processed and out the door in a timely manner? Its common sense... I'm actually really offended that they make all of us wait. We aren't asking for anything for free. We just want to be with our Spouses. We followed the guidelines set by them. We paid the fee... and now treated like second class citizens while they talk about spending oodles of dollars to help Syria... and other foreign issues. And all the illegals sit pretty in the US and all the idiots who got one over on the governement by marrying only for a greencard. I can name 3 people right on my street who had or have a fraud marriage only for a greencard. I can name several illegals who run businesses and make money hand over fist .... I do things the legal way and it seems I am the one who suffers.( and all of us here on VJ)

    it looks like I won't see my husbands face in the US until September 2014. How sad is that? Another Thanksgiving without him, Another Christmas without him, Another Valentines day without him, Another one of his birthdays apart, All three of my kids will have another birthday without him here. Today is a very frustrating day

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