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    ClaireN reacted to espared12 in Same Sex K-1 I-129F Filed   
    Hello everyone! I started this forum for people that will be looking into and filing a I-129F application for their same sex partners. I have to say that VisaJourney.com is an extremely helpful website to gather information on how to create and arrange your K-1 package. I used this website's Step by Step guide to create my package, http://www.visajourney.com/content/k1guide. I decided to take on this venture on my own after being turned away by a local Immigration Lawyer. Another awesome website is ImmigrationEquality.com. These guys have poured their souls into fighting for same sex rights. I am extremely grateful that they fought without giving up and in huge part we are here because of their help. I have emailed them with questions about this process and they do reply back with any questions I have. They might take a few days to reply, but I can only imagine what their inbox looks like, so it's understandable. They also work with and train lawyers all over the country about same sex immigration. They can refer you to lawyers, unfortunately no lawyers in my local area participate.
    I have been with my fiance for 10 years, 10 wonderful years. I can't say it hasn't been tough, but I think I have had it easy compared to other people. I live in El Paso, TX, which is just a border hop to Ciudad Juarez, Mexico, where my fiance lives. Jumping back and forth on a daily basis has been hard, but I would do it all over again in a heartbeat if I had to. The day section 3 of DOMA was demolished I was with my fiance. I sat staring at the TV in disbelief. I was scared, excited, happy, and nervous all at the same time. I started working on the I-129F application that same day.
    I filled out the I-129F application, making sure to fill in every question. Please read through the application's instructions a few times so that you feel comfortable filling it out. I created my 1-129F Cover letter, and our letters of intent to marry from the templates on this website. I only changed one thing on the letter of intent to marry letters, and that was to include that we had every intent to marry within 90 days of entry into the United States in a state where it is lawful. As far as evidence of our relationship, I knew I only had to send 3-5 pictures, but I sent 26. I included pictures documenting the 10 years we have been together. I figured what more evidence can I send to prove we've been together in an ongoing relationship than pictures that document our aging together. I did not send letters or anything more. I am not saying you should not send, every situation is different. I did go to my bank and requested a temp check to pay for the application fee. This way I would be able to see the day USCIS cashed my check.
    I think I must have checked my package about 50 times before I placed it in an Express Mail package and sealed it. I did not buy a fancy folder, nor did I include fancy cover letters for every section of the package. I made things easy for whomever was going to open the package. I paid for Express Mail to have peace of mind, and to get it their faster. It turned out it wasn't going to be as fast as I wanted. I went to the post office on July 19th, a Friday. The USPS employee told me it would not be delivered Saturday because of course U.S. Government buildings are not open on Saturdays. He did assure me that delivery was guaranteed and they would deliver Monday, July 22nd. Sure enough, I checked on Monday and it had been signed for and delivered. I was not expecting USCIS to send me and NOA1 or even cash my check until maybe a week or two after. I checked my bank app on July 25th in the morning and saw that USCIS had cashed my check. A few hours later I received an email from USCIS stating they had accepted my package, NOA1. I was completely extatic! I know NOA1 is not a big deal, but still this was very exciting for me and my fiance. I did not think I would be getting more notifications until 5 months or so, but on July 30th I got another notification stating that my Alien Registration Number had changed relating to my I-129F, Petition for Fiance.
    I know my journey has just started, and I still have a long wait ahead of me, but I hope this information is useful for someone else. I hope people use this forum to also document their same sex K-1 journey. I will continue to update this forum as time progresses. I really do hope I am helping someone else out with this forum. Please feel free to use this forum for your questions and to share your journeys!
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