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Posts posted by ClaireN

  1. Yes, he can petition you for a fiance visa. However....

    Your fiance can only financially sponsor you if he either has assets enough to do so, OR has a US based co-sponsor- his NZ income will not count.

    Thanks :-)

    He definitely has enough assets. Also, just to complicate matters (!), he recently got a US job (so has a US income, paid into a US bank account). He partly works from home in NZ, as well as periodic trips to the States to work in their office.

    So any idea what I should put down as the answer to q 2: how long has he resided in the USA, given he currently resides abroad?

  2. Hi there,

    I haven't been able to find a specific answer on this yet.

    My fiance (sponsor) is a US citizen living with me in New Zealand. He's currently filling out the I-134 affidavit in support, in preparation for me to send information to the Auckand consulate before the K1 visa interview.

    Question 2 on the form asks for his age and how long he has resided in the USA. But he's been living here in New Zealand for the last 6 years.

    Anyone know how best to answer this question?

    The form assumes he lives in the USA and we live apart. But, it's totally fine to apply for the K1 with us both living together outside of the US, right?

    Many thanks


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