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Posts posted by jimjing

  1. Hi-

    My case number is at the embassy however they have made errors on the address. When you call, you give them the case#, beneficiary name, dob and address..when I gave my beneficiary address, they kept getting the wrong spelling...regardless of me spelling her address, they still could not get it right...It seems like I am talking to the same person.... :bonk: ...He can change it in the "database" but cannot correct it without a faxed letter with benificiary address and birth cert-

    I emailed the info to the embassy and faxed her info to them as requested...how do I call to see if address is correct? if i give the correct address-they will have the old...if I give the old they will have the new....ARRRGHGHGHGHG

    You E-mailed the Address change? I would fax it, they take FOREVER to read E-mails.

    From what i hear they read faxes in a day or two. Just call them and ask them if they received the fax containing the address change. :thumbs: Also, i never call the call center. I just call the main line, they seem to get it right.

    Hey thanks! I just emailed as an added precaution.....the call center is getting to be a headache-I just call cause it is toll free...

  2. Hi-

    My case number is at the embassy however they have made errors on the address. When you call, you give them the case#, beneficiary name, dob and address..when I gave my beneficiary address, they kept getting the wrong spelling...regardless of me spelling her address, they still could not get it right...It seems like I am talking to the same person.... :bonk: ...He can change it in the "database" but cannot correct it without a faxed letter with benificiary address and birth cert-

    I emailed the info to the embassy and faxed her info to them as requested...how do I call to see if address is correct? if i give the correct address-they will have the old...if I give the old they will have the new....ARRRGHGHGHGHG

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