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  1. Yeah, it's confusing me here as well, I don't see any reference about this, but somehow the lawyer said "it will not work". Perhaps, I will ask him to check with his lawyer to be more specific. I just hope if someone experienced this before can provide a bit more info.
  2. Thanks for quick respond. Do you have a reference from USCIS for something like this? The lawyer said my brother may not be able to duplo that tho.
  3. Hi all, I hope someone can help me to understand my brother situation/scenario. My brother was married and got sponsored as F3, however the wait time was too long (he had been waiting for 10 years, but his priority date hadn't changed much) He talked to the lawyer, and they recommended to divorce so his case can change to F1 to shorten the wait time significantly. He did and got visa successful. Now the question is, once he becomes Green card holder, can he go back to marry the same spouse and submit F2A? Thanks,
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