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Posts posted by Vtguy71

  1. Folks,

    First off thanks to everyone who helped us on this website in the past. My wife and I have been married for 2 years and now is the time for the I-751 process. Our situation may be a tad unique since we effectively moved to Poland in April of last year. My wife is from here and I was lucky enough to have employment and get my residency status situated legally within 3 months from our arrival. All in all we are happy and don't have any plans to go back stateside apart from visiting my family and friends. Issue is that we would like her to continue to have a green card so she can enter the US with me when we visit family. Her card expires in the next few months and I am curious to know if the NOA we get from the I-751 would let her get back into the states if we were to try and enter after the card expired.

    Let me know if anyone has any insights or advice. This site has always pulled through for me so my fingers are crossed on this topic even if its more of a one off situation.

    Thanks in advance!


  2. My wife and I have been married for over a month, the K1 expires next week and it doesnt look like we can realisticly get everything we need for the AOS package complete by then. We are stuck waiting for some docs to arrive from Poland, then we have to scramble to get the translated. If we go past the K1 expiration date is my wife still legal to be in the US ? What are the time limits to get the AOS submitted? What is the downside/penalty of getting this in after the K1 visa expires?

    Thanks in advance for any replies.


  3. When we arrived stateside the INS offcer mentioned something to the effect that after we got married we had to register in person or something to that effect with a local INS office. After 20 hours of traveling I just nodded and figured I would read up on exactly what was meant on the website. So far I have not had any luck I read the pinned up guides about what to do after marraige and they go right into how to do the AOS which I can start now since we just got a certified copy of our marriage certificate, but I just want to close the loop on what the officer said or what I thought she said. Do we have to show up in person at some goverment office showing we got married before the K1 expires? Also in regards to the AOS I need some documents translated and that could take some time. Does the AOS have to be submitted before the K1 expires also?

    Thanks in Advance,


  4. I went to the URL in the step-by-step guide and it came up with a document not found. The document in question was the I693 form. Googling for the form didnt give me anything to work with either. Does anyone know if the doc has been superceded or is no longer required? For reference the guide url is here: and the broken link within the guide is here:

    We got married on October 27th and want to get the paperwork rolling ASAP.



  5. My fiance just had her interview today. They said she will get the answer in the mail with her passport. Is this normal for the Warsaw Embassy? I read in other thread that poeple find out at the end of the interview in other embassys (UK for example) if they are approved or denied. All in all she said the interview went well. Fingers crossed!


    Hi Vtguy! I am not sure if this is normal for Warsaw Embassy, alls I can say is that CO told me at the end of interview that I've got one. Maybe they said she will get a visa in the mail with her passport instead of the answer? Hm, I don't know :huh: But you say the interview went well, so I keep my fingers crossed for you as well. C'mon if I got a visa, your fiancee got it too :)



    I called her again. When I first called she was just driving out of Warsaw and was a little "distracted" she told me that she was told everything looked good and they would not have a problem with issuing a Visa. I guess that is an affirmative but not absolute as "you will get the K1" would have been :) I cant wait for her to have her Visa in hand!


  6. My fiance just had her interview today. They said she will get the answer in the mail with her passport. Is this normal for the Warsaw Embassy? I read in other thread that poeple find out at the end of the interview in other embassys (UK for example) if they are approved or denied. All in all she said the interview went well. Fingers crossed!


  7. Thanks for the feedback. I'm about to head back to Poland for my 4th visit and hop to be able to bring her and her son back with me. I've been a member since about the time I started the K1 process and this site was an incredible aid to help me get everything sorted out properly the first time. I will post here again once I know the outcome of the interview to let you all know how it turns out.


  8. Hi I was curious to know if anyone has an experience that they were involved in or aware of in which all the K1 Visa steps were completed and the petition was rejected at the interview. My Fiance and I are just waiting on the Interview (June 28th Warsaw) to wrap this up. I dont want to count my chickens before they are hatched but if we made it this far is it close to being certain we will get the K1 approved? Also is there any stats at this site which keep track of this sort of thing? Getting more and more excited as the day gets closer (I feel like a 6 year old waiting for Christmas) :D

    Thanks in Advance


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