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Posts posted by CoCo876

  1. WOW Domineke,

    You really excited people with this discussion. I am impressed with your curiosity and zest to obtain the opinion of others. An extremely bold move as everyone's opinion will differ based on personal experience. What I have gathered from your posts (and I read through them all) is that you are very intelligent. You have already formulated your own ideas but request information from others who have walked this path before you. Wise move! You are doing the research. You have a very light and airy personality; you don't take these posts to heart and become overwhelmed and sensitive. I like that about you!

    What you are doing is absolutely correct. I searched the internet many times over and found all of the very sad stories of others who have found themselves wounded and jilted by their Jamaican lover. Further, I have read stories of the stereotypical guy that cheats, womanizes, easily angers and is physically abusive. That helped me to keep my eyes open for what "could be". Giirrrlll, but that ain't my guy, lol! He is extremely sweet and has taught me a thing or two about life!

    Continue to enjoy your trips to Paradise! Learn and have fun with your guy! Life is a gamble anyway. Just pay attention to the signs whatever they may be (good or bad) and you will be fine.

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