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About Albatross

  • Birthday February 9

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • City
    San Antonio
  • State

Immigration Info

  • Immigration Status
    K-1 Visa
  • Place benefits filed at
    California Service Center
  • Local Office
    San Antonio TX
  • Country
  • Our Story
    2 "wrinkles" in this story. #1. RFE for 2 reasons: A. You gotta specifically ASK in a separate letter, for ANY kind of waiver, including for a "general waiver" if you have had 2 K-1 visa applications in the past. Don't think you can just check the block on the I-129f. Gotta write a separate letter! B. Just because a document does not exist, USCIS will not believe it until some other, equally stupid government agency tells them that the document does not exist. #2 Police Clearance MUST include ANY and EVERY surname she has ever had. Including her maiden name even if she got married early... and divorced...ANY name from childhood...

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  1. Had the same problem initially with USAA. This situation makes a lot of work for them if someone on the account is not a US citizen or at least a Green Card holder. They have to have the non US person fill out a form called a W8BEN. And then they usually have to talk with the non US person, AND refresh the data every so often, maybe every couple of years. Rinky dink banks don't want the trouble...
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