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Everything posted by Neonred

  1. I know you are joking, but still it is nuts. I have a net worth of well over a million, but there is no way in hell I'd be willing to pay a couple of hundred thousand no less 700K. Thank God I don't live there.
  2. It's just starting. Don't worry, in about 10 years it will get better. Besides, inglish aint importent. Just ask NB 2.0
  3. Now I just need to find and give up votes to 50 of Boiler's posts...😁
  4. As much as I hated to, I had to give you up votes. LOL
  5. Looking forward to hear authentic Texan savvy sayin's.
  6. Damn, you must have found some outstanding yet very expensive insurance that will cover a significant portion of open heart surgery a month after she gets here. It costs me an arm and two legs to get just fair insurance for my wife, and she is not old. Just check carefully what is covered and by how much.
  7. Your K-1 visa expired the day you entered the US. Your I-94 is the document that shows your legal presence in the US for 90 days following entry. Used to be you needed to wait a couple of weeks to be sure your name showed up in the SAVE system so that SS could verify your presence. Now that should happen within a day or so. You have, I believe, 76 days following entry to get your SSN or after that time you will need to wait until you have your work document or green card. The problem that most people have that wait until after marriage is a name change. If you wait until after marriage and change your name, that new name will not show up in their search. I would imagine that even if you were married if you applied for a SSN, did not mention marriage, and used the name that is on the I-94, that you could still get a SSN. It would mean a return to the SS office later to change the card to the new name.
  8. You're not one of "them"? 😲
  9. Just discovered that brown toilet seats are available. What a wonderful idea and great time saver. Probably never have to clean it.
  10. Has Mini-B ever eaten vegetables??? Especially green leafy vegetables? Chip off the old block to be sure!
  11. I'll bet Mini-B is not so "mini" any more.
  12. Bring Mama T-B tuna glop and corn dogs next time.
  13. It usually wears a bow to hold it's hair back. Glad you enjoyed it because it's probably the last time you will get that from me... LOL
  14. A Maltese. If she makes it to October she will be 16 (2x2x2x2) years old. (2+2+2+1) pounds..(how do you like that!) I swear sometimes she thinks she is a cat. Sure she can get mad, but she tends to get over it pretty quickly. If not, flowers or diamonds seems to fix things. I
  15. Holding our little white princess (the dog)? That's my wife. I gave her a hard time about popping into the photo as she had nothing to do with getting those lobsters. She didn't even go out in the boat that time. She stayed in knitting a sweater!
  16. Finally recovering from last weekend. We were in the Keys with my daughter and son in law and two of their friends for lobstering. Florida spiny lobsters. Picture from the first half day out on the water. They did get more the next few days. As usual I am the only one not in the photo! WOW, the water temp was way up there making it extra difficult to find the " bugs ". 93+ degrees. Think I mentioned before that my daughter is having twins in December so she didn't do any diving. My daughter was a little unhappy with her husband. He has been buying items for the coming babies. Cribs, car seats, strollers, etc. My daughter pays the bills and noticed a charge for noise cancelling headphones. She asked him why...he said he didn't want the babies waking him up in the middle of the night!
  17. Have you been down here to Key West? A bar on every street corner, and several more in between.
  18. Did the cute girl at the Chinese buffet try to poison you? Guess she wasn't happy that you have been avoiding her...
  19. When my patients found out that my daughter was moving back they wanted to know if she would join me at my location. I said heck no, I didn't want a bunch of screaming kids in my office. I will admit there were times shortly after I started the practice (with my ex-wife) where my two were in the furthest back room when no day care was available. That didn't happen often and didn't last long. Would rather have a pack of dogs in the office.
  20. Probably some in hospital oral surgery. I imagine the cost of any required equipment would be prohibitive for an average dental practice.
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