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Sweet Taghi

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Posts posted by Sweet Taghi

  1. We filed our I130 paperwork in March an recieved our NAO1 March 14th. We just got this message:

    On October 30, 2013, we transferred your I130, IMMIGRANT PETITION FOR RELATIVE, FIANCE(E), OR ORPHAN, to your local USCIS Office for further processing. The new office has jurisdiction over your case and will send you a decision as soon as processing is complete or you will be notified if further information or action is needed. If you move, please use our Change of Address online tool to update your case with your new address.

    Does this mean we will have to wait another 8 months to get it processed? Has anyone else had this experience? huh2.gif

  2. I sent the paperwork in for my husband March 8, 2013. We got our NAO1 March 14, 2013. Since then, I haven't heard a word. I have tried to use our code to look up our case online, but it says that the case can't be found, and it has been like that since March. I have called numerous times to the 1-800 number and have been told repeatedly by tier II officers that we need to be patient and that our case is in their system and that we can't view our case online because of a computer issue that they are working on. Does ANYONE know what our next step should be to find out what's going on with our case? Any information would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.helpsmilie.gif

  3. From all that have read and understand, they want to see pictures of you together, emails, chat entries, property that you share (house, car, etc.), rent receipts (if you lived together) with addresses, shared bank accounts, etc. Not all of these are particularly necessary, but it is always better to have too much information than too little just to be on the safe side. These are the types of things they want to see to prove that you are a real husband and wife in love with each other, instead of someone out to scam. I hope this helps some. I pray for all the best and congrats on your wedding! :jest:

  4. My oldest and my 8 year old are from a previous relationship. My youngest is the son of my husband and I. It is no trouble documenting the things that have gone on. I have plenty of news articles, court papers and medical statements. My husband and I talk everyday so that's no trouble to provide chat records either. For the joint-sponsor I was told that their household size would be counted instead of mine, is that correct?

    So are you saying the 8 year old is not your husband's child and from a previous relationship? And the younger son born you and your Moroccan husband's child.

    Will you be able to sponsor him when it comes to the financial part of the petition process? If not, you need to start looking for someone to help with the sponsorship. From what I read, they are really strict on the financial requirements. And as the petitioner (like myself), we have to fill out that I-864 package.

    I wish you the best because I know how it is so tough to be apart from your love ones! May you all reunite soon INSHALLAH

    Inshallah! It has been very difficult for sure. We are praying for an end to all this drama so we can be a family again inshallah.

  5. No, it hasn't been 8 years. We have been together for 3. We are both very upset that he has not been able to be with his family which is why I have decided to publicly discuss our issue in an effort to get some advice. He is in Morocco and since the fire happened after our son was born, finances have prevented us from doing our paperwork sooner, as I had mentioned. We lost everything in the fire, and in addition to the fire, I was in charge of my father's affairs and finances while he was in the hospital for the last 2 years. There have been some details left out because they are private and do not pertain to our case.

  6. Ok, here goes a brief summary of my issue. My husband and I have been together since 2009 and were married in 2010. We have a young son that my husband has never been able to hold. :crying: In 2011 there was a house fire and my father was injured saving our son, he just passed Feb. 21, 2013 (my 8 yr. old's b-day) as a result of the injuries from the fire. :crying: A lot of things have happened between 2011 and now. I just filed the papers for our cr-1 3-8-2013. Basically, I have no clue as to what the whole process entails. During this time, I am battling health issues (a severe back injury) and raising a special needs child, in addition to my two other children. The fire has left me financially ruined and I'm finding it hard to be optimistic after all that's happened, but I'm trying to remain hopeful. Is there any way to expedite the process or does anyone know of any agencies or groups that might be able to help us with a sponsor or advice? I'm desperate to get him here so we can get our lives back on track. PLEASE, any advice would be very much appreciated. :help:

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