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Posts posted by L&K

  1. Thanks to all that responded!!! Well I tried calling but they couldn't help me they said that I had to go to an immigration office to find out as they don't have the addresses of the applicants over the phone. I've arranged with the postal office to forward my address to my new address on Saturday. So hopefully they will do it! I will have access until the 25th of February to my mail. What would happened if it goes to my old address and i can't get it??

  2. Hello fellow vj friends

    I just got a case status change of New card being Produced, after an arduous wait sine my June 5th letter came. My question is.. I recently had to do a change of address bc I'm moving. I did it on feb 11 to be exact. And now the card says is being produced feb 19. Can anyone help me if they had this happen to them.. Would my card be delivered to my old address or new address??? I don't know how long they take to process an address change?


  3. Hello community

    I find myself encountering a problem with the EAD card. So here is my story any advice will help.

    So my husband got his EAD card in May and recently was offered a job. He started last week. But yesterday afternoon A lady from HR asked him if he knew what "vocatl stu pract trng only" meant under the terms and condition in his EAD card was!? He had no clue and asked me if I knew and had no idea also.

    I spoke to my friend attorney and she didn't know what it either. So we looked back at the forms we sent and it seemed that we made a mistake on the form and put down a wrong code.

    We will try to get this solve Monday morning, my attorney friend says she is confident it will get fix , I'm just curious if anyone has gone thru this problem? And what as the resolution. I just hope they don't terminated husbands job.

    Any advice or comment is greatly appreciate.


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